11: No Reason To Stop

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Despite the events of yesterday, you acted all the same at home, as did your parents. The alcohol they sipped at and/or chugged got stronger, leading to more intense drunkenness, giving you no breaks.

"It's... *hic* all your fault, you little.... *hic*" Your father stumbled around, holding his belt. His sentence remained unfinished as he blindly swung at you with his belt. It glanced off your shoulder, striking the arm of the couch. Your father struck at you again, and the buckle hit you in the cheek. That would leave a bruise. Your father hiccuped as he swung again and again, almost all the swings missing due to his stupor.

"That'll... *hic* teach you. Get to bed you brat." You nodded, walking to the garage, as your father stumbled up the stairs. You shut the garage door behind you and sat down, looking at the setup you had. The only clearly visible thing you had was the bed of newspapers, and that was starting to wear down. You would need a replacement soon. But other than that, you had a filing cabinet that contained your other set of clothes, and that dirty glove you picked up the other day. You also has access to several toolkits, camping supplies, recycling, anything in the garage, which was great if you had to try and fix any big problems. So far, the largest problem You had to fix was a shallow gash of your back from a knife, using an old sewing kit to help heal. That took all night to do, which decreased your already low productivity at school.

Waking up in the morning brought no favors, as you pushed yourself up and opened the door to the kitchen. Your parents were probably still asleep. You got to work making oatmeal for them, along with brewing the normal pot of coffee. As you stirred the steaming pot, a glass of clear fluid in the living room caught your attention. You took the oatmeal off the heat and walked in to investigate.

  'Is that... water?' You thought to yourself, picking up the glass. It was sticky and unpleasant to touch, but you brought it to your nose. You visibly recoiled from the smell.

  'Vodka. Definitely vodka.' You put the glass on the kitchen counter before an idea struck you. You grabbed two coffee mugs, chugging some coffee from one for your morning shot of caffeine, which, on some days, was all you had to run on.

  You filled both cups halfway with Coffee, before spiking both drinks, covering it up with more coffee. You put the glass in the sink, and placed the two cups of coffee at the table, next to each other. Quickly, you finished the oatmeal, serving it with a side of toast, before walking out of the house, legging it to school.

As the hours passed, it finally occurred to you that this would be the last day you had to work on your project, and therefore the last day you would spend with Ivy in the lecture room. That was something you actually didn't want to stop.

In last hour, presentations started for the few people who were actually ready, and to be honest, you couldn't care less. At this point, this hour was all a big nap.

You were awoken by the bell, and a stream of students heading out of the room, which you joined.

  You soon arrived at the familiar doorway, entering after a brief pause. Ivy was using colored pencil to color something in, which you couldn't see from this angle. You moved to your usual seat, grabbing another colored pencil and starting to help.

  The time was silent, a tacit agreement between you and Ivy on what to color and which colors evident. Blood vessels were red and blue, heart was a deep maroon, and the background a light pink, in the shape of muscles. You skipped the eyes, and colored the brain a darker shade of pink. It was when you finished the brain did Ivy day something.

  "I'm enjoying this time together, just the two of us." Your mind flashed back to yesterday, before you answered.

  "So do I. Shame it's ending so soon." Ivy chuckled.

  "I mean, it doesn't have to." You look at her, eyebrows raised.

  "Pardon?" Ivy shrugged.

  "We could always tell our parents that the project is being delayed, and just continue staying here, just spend time together. Teachers don't care as long as we keep this room clean." Ivy pointed out. You shrugged.

  "I have... gullible parents. I could probably get away with it without even telling them about it." Ivy let out a laugh.

  "Really?" You nodded. Ivy shrugged.

  "Alright, That settles it. We'll come here after school awhile longer. Just keep your parents in the dark if they don't like it, and say it's for the project." You nodded, as you picked up a coloring pencil and got to work on the finishing touches.

  "Starting tomorrow. Once we finish this, I'll head home and we present tomorrow, then just meet here?" Ivy nodded, smiling. You don't know what, but you sensed... something behind that smile. You learned to tell when people were planning something from countless lies from your parents. Ivy wasn't planning something bad or harmful, but she would try and outfox you sometime soon, you were calling it now.

  Soon, the project was completed, and you were able to go home, leaving you in your thoughts as you walked.

  Ivy's change from bully to friend was abrupt, but you could stand behind it. She was still in the dark about your living conditions, so you were fine. As long as nobody could learn your secret, and endanger you, you were fine.

Sooner than you'd like, the walk ended, and you found yourself at home, entering the door. Your father was in the living room, sitting on the couch, sipping from a bottle of What you assumed was ale.

"Why the 'ell are you always staying at school so late?" He asked, the alcohol slurring his words. You took a deep breath, ready to answer.

"I'm doing a school project that's taking a few weeks-" a flying bottle hit you in the leg, and you did your best not to flinch, as the bottle chipped, but didn't quite break upon falling on the rug.

"Make is something good, then I want the house spotless. No less." You nodded as you got to work, cooking dinner as early as possible. You decided to make burgers today, as it was mostly simple, and you could clean while you worked, shortening the work time.

As you set the table for your parents, pouring them both glasses of wine in attempt to at least make them sleepy and hit you less, you continued cleaning. Throw this away, dust that. Sweep this, eat that, vacuum this, wash that. Hours passed as you made your way through each room in the house, as per your father's command. As you hoped, the wine had gotten them tipsy and tired, and they had even fallen asleep on the couch. Knowing your father, you wouldn't be surprised if his drool was alcoholic.

Putting that less than pleasant thought aside, you finished by rearranging the tv remotes. With that done, you left your parents in the living room, walking to the garage, and trying to sleep early in hopes of waking up early enough to miss those two in the morning.

Soon enough, your eyes grew heavy, and darkness overcame you.


~1262 Words

4 Chapters Remain

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