13: Ripped From Control

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You awoke, slightly groggy, and with an aching hand. You pushed the newspapers you had covering you off and sat up, and looked at your hand. It was still covered by that glove you had. Rather curious, you pulled it off to see how your hand looked.

  In short, it looked okay, other than the ring of burnt, blackened flesh surrounding a stab wound. You sighed and put the glove back on, covering the wound. You forced yourself up, holding the wall to stop yourself stumbling. Your head didn't hurt, but your hand, and other recent wounds weren't the same. You walked into the kitchen, making sure to keep your left hand out of sight, so that your parents didn't know what you did. They would probably try to rip your hand in two, maybe do worse.

  You got to work making frozen waffles, as they used the least effort and you could work using only your right hand. In much more time than usual, you had the waffles waiting for your parents, along with steaming mugs of coffee. With that done, you ran out of the door, barely missing your parents. You ran to school at your usual pace, hoping nobody would get suspicious from your glove.

  Once again, the day passed as most, with the exception of your refusal to use your left hand, lest it hurt again. You wouldn't go through the trouble of hiding it, as the glove did the work for you. Once again, sooner than you'd like, the day was over, and you stopped at the lecture hall once again, ready to meet Ivy again.

  "Hey Y/n!" Ivy greeted you. This immediately set off a few alarms. Even when she grew friendly towards you, she hadn't greeted you. It was a silent exchange most of the time, mutual acknowledgement before you both got to work.

  "So, I brought a laptop, thought we could watch something. You up for it?" She asked. You nodded,  sitting down by her. Ivy drew a laptop out of her backpack, and started tapping away.

  "Let me just..." she opened a browser, before bringing up Netflix.

  "Alright. I'll start up something for us to watch, but first, I gotta go to the bathroom. Wait for me, will ya?" She asked. You nodded as she walked out of the room, leaving the door open. True to your word, you simply sat, and waited for her. After a few minutes, Ivy walked back inside, closing the door. You didn't miss her locking the door as well, in a fluid motion that could be missed by anyone who wasn't paying attention. She took a seat to your right, putting her left arm around your neck, in a slight show of affection, as she used her right hand to navigate.

  "So, Anything you want to watch? You a fan of comedy? Adventure? Anime?" She asked, scrolling through different types of shows. You only shrugged. Ivy nodded in understanding.

  "Alright. I'll just play... this." Ivy moves the cursor over random shows, picking one that seemed interesting.

  As the hour passed, you both watched the show in peace, and at some point, Ivy had leaned her head on your shoulder, falling asleep.

  Just kidding. She was pretending.

  You weren't stupid. You knew she was faking sleep the moment you felt her finer brush against your shoulder, more then likely feeling a scab from a rather nasty cut under the uniform. As the episodes passed, Ivy started muttering under her breath.

  It was unintelligible mumbling, you couldn't understand anything, but you eventually moved your right hand from beneath her to pause the show, letting her rest.

  "Y/n?" Ivy ditched her sleepy facade when she spoke up, not a hint of sleepiness in her voice.


  "Something's been bothering me." She stated. You looked at her, a brow raised.

  "What is it?"

The Pain, Redux(Ivy x Abused Male Reader Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now