14: Nowhere To Run

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  A cold frost woke you up, and you used your arms to support yourself as you pushed yourself up, prompting pain from your left hand. You winced, holding up your hand to take a look. The burn marks brought back memories of yesterday, and where you were.

  "OhhHH SHI-" you scrambled to avoid falling off the roof, before looking around. It was still dark, and despite that, you could clearly see your breath come out in large puffs. You slowed your breathing until you calmed down. Just... breath.

  You let out one last sigh, before half-walking, half-crawling to the edge of the roof, where the ladder was visible. You eventually reached the ladder, and started climbing down, jumping down when you reached a safer distance. Proceeding, you took down the ladder, prying the side door open and placing the ladder where it went before. Taking another look at the garage, you turned around and walked out of the garage, almost tripping on one of those metal garbage cans, which fell over. You flinched at the noise, but shut the door, and started the familiar walk to school, despite the early hours.

  The walk seemed shorter than usual, and you soon found yourself back at school, where the fountain still gushed water, probably murdering an already dead water bill. Yawning, you sat with your back against the fountain. You felt darkness start to overtake you again, but you snapped yourself out of it with a splash of shockingly cold water to the face. The water did feel very nice on your left hand...

  'Oh.' You looked at your hand, wondering how the hell you would hide the cauterized wound. You shut your eyes and hit your head against the fountain. Ow.

  'Damnit, it'd be convenient to find another glove.' You sighed as you started picking at your sleeve. Your sleeves were, in all honesty, filthy. Brown spots tarnished most of the white, from several nights of sleeping on the garage floor. Your pants were wearing down, and red was starting to appear over the regions you got hurt the most. It was faint, but you'd need to work to hide it or set a new uniform.

  So basically, you looked just like a rebel who lived in the slums and beat people up for a living. Bad enough that you weren't exactly unknown by the police force, for your crimes several years ago.

  As you pondered on your past, and how you would survive the next few days, the sun slowly came up, peeking over the horizon as, one by one, students showed up, either walking or getting dropped off. After another half hour, the central area was filled up. Thankfully, the doors were opened, and you could enter. As you got up to go inside, a familiar voice spoke up.

  "Hey Y/n!" Ivy yelled out.

  'Shit' You speedwalked ahead, trying not to encounter Ivy. She was too close to knowing, so you couldn't risk another encounter with her.

  Once again, the day only passed as usual, first and second hour being naps, while you stayed half awake during third hour.

  As you sluggishly wrote whatever the teacher was talking about on a random slip of paper you had nicked from your second hour teacher, the phone rang. Your teacher stopped talking, before answering it.

  "This is room 34, teacher speaking." Came the default greeting.

  "Uh Huh. I'll send him down." So some lucky kid was getting released early? Good fo-

  "Mr L/n. Early dismissal." The teacher spoke. You froze in place, before picking up your items. So your parents skipped out on work to get you? That... was nowhere near good. You got up, before walking out the door.

  Your footsteps clicked as you walked down the hallway, shoving your things in a locker. Making your way to the main office, you mentally prepared yourself for what was to come. Eventually, you reached the room, seeing two familiar faces in the office. You opened the door, and your parents nodded at the secretary, signing a sheet, before turning and walking past you, your father grabbing your shoulder. As you got dragged out, your parents' red Jeep flashed its lights, signaling the door unlocking. Your father got in the driver's seat and your mother the passenger seat, leaving you to get in the back. As you buckled your seatbelt, your mother turned to glare at you.

The Pain, Redux(Ivy x Abused Male Reader Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now