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"What was wrong with her?" Mark asked.

"Umm she just forgot that she needed to do something" Elly replied trying to think of something that wouldn't make Mark ask more questions.

"Needed to do something? Ah I see" Mark said with a confused look on his face.

Elly was doing her best to act normal but she couldn't stop thinking about the kiss that had just happened between her and Chloe. She honestly had no idea that Chloe felt that way about her.

"Everything ok?" Mark asked as Elly seemed to be in a world of her own.

"Yeah yeah no everything's fine it's just been a very long day" Elly replied.

"Are you going to explain to me the real reason that you were off work this afternoon? I know you and I know when you are keeping things from me".

"Do we have to talk about this now? I'm tired and just want to forget about it for a few minutes" Elly replied.

"Elly come on, your supposed to love me so you should be able to tell me things".

"Fine... I got sacked from work today" Elly said rolling her eyes.

"Oh my god why? What's happened?" Mark asked.

"I couldn't tell you. I guess my face doesn't fit with Jane".

"Well this just isn't on, you need to get some answers from them..." Mark replied abruptly.

"I will but right now I have other things on my mind and just want to go to bed so I'll see you tomorrow?" Elly said trying her best to get rid of Mark so she could try and get her head around everything.

"That's fair enough. Get some sleep and I will see you tomorrow" Mark replied as he leaned in to give Elly a kiss. Elly gave him a peck before he headed home.

As soon as he left, Elly slumped herself down on the sofa and put her head in her hands. She picked her phone up ready to write a message to Chloe.

*Are you ok? E x*

But Elly decided that it was probably best to leave it for the night so deleted it.

Meanwhile over at the Brennan's, Chloe had run herself a hot bubble bath to try and figure out her next move.

"Chloe you in there?" Mark asked from outside the bathroom door.

"Yeah but I'm naked so please don't come in" Chloe replied in her usual sarcastic tone.

"I'm not going to come in, I just wanted to thank you for looking after Elly tonight. She finally told me the truth about her job..."

"It was no bother. We had a good evening" Chloe replied with an anxious look on her face.

"You're a good friend to her Chloe and you're and even better sister" Mark said being sincere.

Chloe felt bad, because Mark had no idea that she had kissed his girlfriend but she couldn't help her feelings.

"Right back at you bro" Chloe replied sinking into the water to have a couple of moments completely to herself. She was surrounded by nothing but water, no noise other than the sloshing of the water, it helped her to forget about the mistake she had just made.

The next day arrived and neither Chloe nor Elly had had a decent night sleep, both of their minds were working overtime.

"Good morning" Susan said to Elly who was sat at the dining table staring into space.

"Hello?" Susan added saving at Elly.

"Sorry I was miles away" Elly replied.

"Don't worry we will sort this, you will get your job back! I'll make sure of it" Susan explained.

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