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Chloe couldn't keep the smile off her face, she couldn't believe that Elly had arranged a romantic getaway for the pair of them. It was something she only ever thought would happen in her dreams.

"Chlo we should go clubbing again soon, we need to find you some eye candy" Aaron said as the three of them sat round the table in the back yard.

"I don't have time for dating at the moment" Chloe replied.

"Bullshit! There's like nothing going on in your life! I still think you should give Mel another chance. She's made some mistakes but I honestly think she's being genuine".

"Az I don't want to have this conversation again ok? We've determined that Mel is still the same old Mel she was years ago and I'm not going back there. So let's just drop it ok?" Chloe replied with a bit of anger in the tone of her voice.

"Alright alright. That's me told" Aaron said as he quickly headed inside to grab some snacks.

"He only means well" Elly whispered.

"I know but we don't need him meddling in on my love life do we?"

"That's true but it might help as a cover story?"

"What so you want me to get close to Mel again?" Elly asked with a shocked look on her face.

"NO! Of course not".

"Well then stop suggestion stupid things" Chloe replied rolling her eyes at Elly.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me" Elly said as she kicked Chloe under the table.

"I just did" Chloe joked.

"You just wait..."

"Wait for what?" Aaron asked as he walked outside with lots of snacks.

"Jesus dumbo, keep your ears out of our conversation".

"What have you got to hide?" Aaron replied.

"Elly was just informing me of how bad her cramps are because of her period and I was joking about it... if you just know" Chloe joked.

"No no you girls keep that information to yourselves".

"A bit of blood scare you Aaron?" Elly asked.

"No, It's just not the nicest conversation in the world".

"But it's a natural thing".

"I know it is but come on it's hardly nice to talk about is it?" Aaron replied.

"Men" Elly said rolling her eyes as she looked over at Chloe.

"Tell me about it" Chloe replied.

A couple of hours had passed and the three of them had got through 2 more bottles of wine. They were just watching the sunset while enjoying each other's company. Chloe couldn't keep her eyes off Elly, which hadn't gone unnoticed by Aaron. He was worried that his sister was falling even deeper in love with Elly.

"Mind if I join?" Mark asked as he arrived home.

"Of course not grab a glass" Aaron replied.

Chloe immediately moved her gaze off Elly as she didn't want anyone getting suspicious.

"How are you love?" Mark asked as he kissed Elly.

"I'm good thank you. You?" Elly replied as she almost pulled away from Mark because she didn't want Chloe to have to watch the two of them kiss.

"Not bad. Budge over then" Mark said pushing Elly closer and closer to Chloe.

"Alright I'm going" Elly said as she scooted round to be right next to Chloe.

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