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Chloe arrived back from the waterhole to find the boys in the living room watching a trashy Christmas film and enjoying a few beers. All the final preparations for tomorrow had been sorted so they could all finally sit back and enjoy the rest of Christmas Eve.

"Alright Clo, come join us" Aaron said.

"I will in a few minutes I just need to get changed into something comfier" Chloe replied.

"Ok, don't be too long as we are going to put on Elf".

"I won't be" Chloe replied making her way to her room.

She closed the door behind her and sat down on the edge of her bed. She genuinely couldn't believe what had happened today, it had all been a bit too much for her.

As she sat there in silence, it dawned on her that at this rate she was going to be sad over Christmas, which was never a good thing. Chloe knew that she needed to make the most of her Christmases as they would be limited as she got older. Putting on her pjs and a big smile on her face, Chloe was determined to make this Christmas one of the best. She just wanted to have fun with the people she loved.

"Get your fat ass off me" Aaron shouted as Chloe jumped onto his lap.

"But this is my seat" Chloe replied.

"Umm I don't think it is... it's not like it has your name on it".

"See that's the thing, if you look close enough you'll be able to see my name" Chloe replied.

"Please tell me your joking?" David said.

"I'm afraid not" Chloe replied.

"You wrote on the sofa?" Mark asked with a slightly annoyed look on his face.

"I did. Sorry".

"You better not have" Mark replied.

"Look none of you have seen it so far so it's not like it's noticeable is it?" Chloe sarcastically said with a cheesy grin on her face.

"Oh my god, let's see" David asked.

"Everyone off then" Chloe replied as she took all of the cushions off the sofa to show them exactly where.

"That's hilarious" David said laughing.

"Could only be you" Aaron replied.

"Now move and let me sit in my seat" Chloe said bossing the boys around.

"Just promise you won't write on anything else, claiming it as yours" Mark asked politely.

"I won't, don't worry" Chloe replied.

The four of them settled down with plenty of beers and snacks to watch Elf with. Chloe was really glad that it was just the four of them at the moment, but she knew it wouldn't last for long as Elly would be around at some point.

Over the road, Elly was sat in the garden staring up at the night sky watching the world go by. She couldn't stop thinking about the card and why one second Chloe was saying she had posted it and then the next she was saying she hadn't. It was all very confusing.

"Want to talk about it?" Susan asked bringing out a hot chocolate for Elly.

"I don't really know what there is to talk about..."

"What was earlier about?"

"Basically she explained to me that she had written me a Christmas card and inside she had explained why her head had been all over the place recently".

"That's good, so I can only presume that will be about the kiss?" Susan replied.

"I genuinely have no idea, could be about anything. But she supposedly posted the card through the letterbox but then the next minute she's telling me that she didn't. So now I don't know if I will ever get to read it" Elly explained.

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