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Chloe has had enough of being productive for the day, she was sat in her office with her feet on the desk eating her lunch. She was just hoping that nobody would interrupt her. Little did she know, Elly was on her way to talk to her.

"You could at least knock" Chloe shouted as she jumped out of her skin as Elly stormed through the door.

"Sorry, actually I'm not sorry. I didn't realise you weren't going to show up to the wedding at all... do you know how much that is hurting your brother?" Elly said trying to play the bad cop for once, instead of being the nice one.

"And do you know how much it would hurt me to watch you walk down that aisle looking stunning to someone who wasn't me at the end of it?" Chloe replied

"Keep your voice down" Elly said hurrying to close the door.

"Sorry are you embarrassed that I'm in love with you?"

"Of course not but I can't have Mark finding out. I know how tough this must be for you but please can't you just pretend for one day, for Mark" Elly asked.

"I don't think you do know how tough this is because if you did you wouldn't be asking me that... Elly l am in love with you and it kills me. I wish I didn't because I am wasting so much of my short life being in love with someone that doesn't love me back, trust me I wish that wasn't the case" Chloe explained.

"I get how tough it must be, Chloe please don't think that you are the only one developing some sort of feelings because you are not. I am feeling things for you that is confusing the hell out of me. I have never felt any of these feelings for any woman before and it scares me" Elly replied.

"But you'll never act on them" Chloe said.

"I can't give you an answer to that, I need time and I know that's not what you want to hear because we don't have time. The wedding is less than 3 months away and that scares me because I need to make sure I make all the right decisions. But please don't think you are the only one going through something because this is hurting me too" Elly replied opening up to Chloe.

"Then I'll give you space, if that's what you need".

"I think we could both do with some, just know I'm here if you need me".

"Right back at you but we just need space" Chloe said.

"I'll try and calm Mark down, but be prepared for some stick from Aaron you know he'll be on Mark's side" Elly replied.

"I can deal with it don't worry, plus I don't plan to be around much".

"I'll make sure I stay at mine more so you get more space from me, ok?"


"Take care" Elly said.

"You too" Chloe replied.

Elly left the room feeling like she had just gone through a breakup, the emotion between the two of them had never been higher. She also couldn't believe how open she had just been with Chloe, but hearing Chloe say that she was the only one going through something made her open up. She wanted Chloe to know that it wasn't easy for her either.

As soon as Elly left the room Chloe sunk into her chair. She thought hearing that Elly was developing some sort of feelings for her would be a good thing but it wasn't. It had only made things harder.

"Elly you ok?" Ned asked as Elly rushed out of Chloe's office.

"Fine, just something in my eye" Elly replied covering her face.

"Do you want me to take a look?"

"I'm ok" Elly said as she continued to walk away.

Ned knew something was up, he decided to go check in on Chloe just to make sure she was ok.

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