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While Elly was struggling to cope with her mum over at the Kennedy's, Chloe had got herself into her Christmas bikini ready to spend the day outside.

"Now that is what I call a Christmas bikini" Aaron said as his sister appeared from her room.

"Knew you'd love it. Mark back yet from being a soppy git?"

"Yeah just, he is outside giving the decking a good sweep. I think he's going to invite Susan and the gang over later when Elly comes" Aaron explained.

Chloe's face dropped immediately at the sheer thought of having to be in the company of Liz, she couldn't stand the woman especially after what she did yesterday.

"Sounds great" Chloe replied in a fake tone.

"Oh come on there not that bad".

"I just really wanted it to just be us 4 today, is that so bad?"

"No of course it isn't but Elly is soon going to be part of this family so we better get used to having her family around at this time of year".

"I guess so" Chloe replied pouring herself a fresh glass of bubbles.

"It'll be fine I promise you" David said quietly to Chloe.

"Will it?"

"Of course, we can just get drunk in the corner! Especially if Karl brings his guitar".

"If that happens I'm drowning myself in the pool" Chloe joked.

"We will all be joining you" David replied.

Mark walked in from outside to see Chloe wearing not much.

"You can't wear that..."

"Merry Christmas to you too" Chloe sarcastically replied. She was fed up with Mark telling her what she can and can't do, she wasn't a little girl anymore.

"I'm sorry but it's not appropriate for when we have guests".

"Well I don't see any guests? As soon as these guests arrive I will change but for now I am going to enjoy my Christmas wearing what the hell I want" Chloe said snapping at Mark, leaving the room to go sunbathe.

"Can you not just lay off her for one day?" Aaron asked.

"What? I just don't think it's an appropriate outfit?"

"Mark, she's going to sunbathe... it's not like she's in the nude doing it. Just leave her to wear whatever she wants".

"Alright there's no need to get agro" Mark replied.

"I'm not even going to bother to reply to that, it's Christmas Day so can we please just have some fun?"

"Fine by me" Mark replied.

"Good" Aaron said as he headed to check on Chloe.

Chloe had already taken up prime position on her sun lounger to really get the most out of the sun today. She wasn't going to let anyone or anything ruin her day.

"You ok?" Aaron asked.

"Me? Yeah I'm fine, look I'm used to Mark being an idiot so I just don't even bother listening anymore" Chloe replied.

"I don't blame you he does go on a bit doesn't he. I think you look beautiful so you go girl. So... shall I take a little cheeky Christmas photo of you? To upload to all your adoring fans?" Aaron asked hoping to keep the smile on Chloe's face.

"Oh my god lets do it" Chloe replied handing her phone over.

Chloe got herself into all sorts of positions ready for Aaron to get an absolute peach of a photo. Chloe loved nothing more than a good old photo shoot, it made her feel good about herself.

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