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Mel headed over to a table that was tucked away in the corner so they had a bit of privacy. She was confused when Elly started walking over with Chloe.

"This is a private conversation" Mel said as she gave Elly a dirty look.

"She's staying" Chloe replied.

Elly moved her chair so that she was right next to Chloe, facing Mel who did not look impressed at all.

"But this has nothing to do with her..." Mel said.

"Maybe it doesn't but I want her here. So either you deal with that or this conversation finishes before it's even started" Chloe replied snapping at Mel a little bit.

"Fine!" Mel said trying her best not to get too angry at the situation.

"Can I ask why you were so interested in my connection to Chloe?" Elly asked.

"Because it looked like the two of you were more than friends and I wanted to try and suss out the situation" Mel replied.

"Ok" Elly said trying not to give anything away, especially about her growing feelings for Chloe.

"I'm sorry if it came across as rude. I just saw a connection between the two of you and I guess the jealousy took over" Mel replied.

Chloe was getting bored of this conversation already she just wanted to know what Mel's deal was.

"So...what do you need to say? Because I have things to do" Chloe replied.

"I first want to start off by apologising for leaving you and taking everything. It was bang out of order but I was scared and didn't know what else to do" Mel explained.

"You were scared? I was in a foreign country with nothing! Not even my passport because you stole that from me. Why would you do that to someone you supposedly loved?"

"I panicked! Things between us were moving so fast and I could see that our business was slowly starting to fail and I just ran. Ran as fast as I could... I regret it every single day. There wasn't a moment that went past that I didn't think of you" Mel explained staring directly into Chloe's eyes.

"Yet it took you over 5 months to message her to see if she was ok?" Elly asked. She could see straight through the game that Mel was playing.

"I didn't have a way to contact Chloe, I stole her phone remember. Not that it's any of your business" Mel replied staring at Elly.

"So how did you get my number?" Chloe asked.

"I phoned your mum and practically begged her for it. She didn't give it to me but let slip where you were working so I went through them to get it. Look Chloe I am so sorry for what I did and if I could take it back I would but I can't. I'm a changed person Chloe and I want to show you that...if you'll let me" Mel explained.

"I don't even know if I want you back in my life. You caused me nothing but heartache".

"That's not true, there was a time when we were infatuated with each other. We were so in love Chlo and it was amazing until I went and completely ruined everything" Mel explained.

"Yeah I was in love with you but now I'm not and I don't really want to drag up old feelings that took me so long to get over. So unless there was anything else I need to get going" Chloe replied.

"Don't be like that, please just give me a chance to show you how much I've changed. No strings attached just a drink privately with no audience".

"Anything you have to say you can say in front of Elly" Chloe replied.

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