Chapter One - Edited

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"Aria!" James shouted up the stairs.

After who knows how long of procrastinating with my phone, I finally dragged myself out of bed and over to my door.

"What?" I shouted back.

"Let's go!" He demanded.

"I'll be down in a minute!" I replied.

"Keep in mind, I will leave without you!" He reminded, I scoffed.

"Yeah, no kidding!" I rolled my eyes, remembering last week when he did just that.

I took one final look in the full length mirror. Hair straightened, makeup not smudged, black jeans complimenting the navy blue tank top and cream colored cardigan matched with them. I slipped on my black "hobo shoes" as dad calls them, he thinks any none-sandal without laces isn't worthy of any title other than "hobo shoes." I grabbed my bag off my chair and skipped down the stairs, swinging into moms office.

"Leaving" I said as I walked in.

"Have a good day sweetie, is James driving you home?" She asked, scooting back from her desk.

"No, I'm walking home with Tyler" I shook my head.

"Alright, stay dry" She warned.

"You too, don't work too hard" I reminded.

I heard her soft laugh as I closed the office door behind me. Fall just started and with it came a lot of rain. Considering it usually rains almost every day that's a lot. I walked into the living room to find James sprawled across the couch, on his phone of course.

"Well it's about time" He groaned, standing up from the couch.

"Excuse me for caring about my appearance." I shrugged, ruffling his already messy hair.

"Excuse you! The hair!" He whined.

I rolled my eyes and followed him through the front door; I swear that boy spends more time on his hair than I do. I slid into the passengers seat as James started up the car. My phone was blowing up from that damn group chat but one text in particular caught my attention.

Unknown: You look amazing today –M

"Tyler's actually alive this early?" James quipped.

"Shockingly" I shrugged, deleting that text thread.

I slid my phone back in my pocket as he pulled into the car loop, of course the campus was empty considering we were almost an hour early. James' college exams are coming up so he has to get in some early study hours before class. Since he's my ride that means I have to be here even earlier.

"Text me when you get to Tyler's" He instructed as I collected my things.

"As usual" I nodded.

"You're my baby sis, I need to make sure you're okay" He shrugged.

"Good luck with studying" I said.

"I'll need it" He groaned.

I grinned and pecked him on the cheek before getting out of the car, waving as he drove off. I wandered off toward the stadium and up the bleachers. Finding my way to my usual escape corner in this mad place called high school.

"Ari!" Marie shouted as she jogged up the bleachers.

"Mar!" I mimicked, slipping my book into my bag.

"Did I miss James?" She whined.

"Okay, seriously? Ew" I winced.

"Not my fault you have a hot brother" She shrugged.

I shivered for effect and she just laughed at my over dramatized reaction. Maria has always had a crush on James ever since the summer before seventh grade. He may be two years older but that has never stopped her from hitting on him. I guess she likes the challenge of getting a college boy. She sat down next to me and filled me in on the latest Twitter fights but I felt my phone vibrate again. Tyler is too lazy to text this early and Maria is right in front of me, I pulled it out to see the same unknown number from earlier.

Unknown: In my opinion, you're way hotter than your brother –M

Okay, that was just plain creepy, I glanced around to see no one close enough to hear our conversation. The first time may have been an accident but this time was deliberate. I quickly typed back a message hoping my first thoughts were the correct ones.

Ariana: Hey, I don't know who you are but you have the wrong number

Once the message was sent, I received a reply almost instantly.

Unknown: Oh Ariana, but I don't ;) -M

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