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EPISODE 1                              


A boy is shown running through a small town. The steps of an army is heard.

A boy climbs a tree and sees the unsullied marching towards Winterfell.

Jon and Daenerys are shown riding side by side towards Winterfell.

The boy runs into a crowd. He is too short to see over the people, and he cannot se through them.

He tries to push through, but is unsuccessful.

He looks to his right and notices a figure moving out of the way, revealing an opening in the crowd.

The boy runs through the opening. The figure is Arya.

Arya watches as her brother passes her. He doesn't see her.

Arya smiles at the sight of her brother. Oh, how she has missed him. Not far behind him, she can see Gendry.

She smiles again. She can't remember the last time she saw Gendry.

After him, she can see the hound. Her smile disappears. She had left him to die. But he wasn't dead. She wonders how he came to meet her brother, and she wonders why he is on his way to Winterfell with Jon and the dragon queen.

Varys and Tyrion are shown riding in a wagon. They are sitting on opposite sides.

You should consider yourself lucky.

Varys looks at him confused.

At least your balls won't freeze off.

Varys is very annoyed at Tyrion's joke.

You take great offence at dwarf jokes, but love telling eunuch jokes. Why is that?

Because I have balls, you don't.

He smiles at Varys. Varys rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

The northerners in the town look at Daenerys and her army suspiciously. Daenerys doesn't like the feeling she gets from their looks. They make her feel like an intruder.

I did warn you. Northerners don't trust outsiders.

He smiles, as he says it jokily. But Daenerys doesn't smile.

A dragon screech can be heard. Drogon and Rhaegal come flying from the clouds.

The sight and sound of the dragons frighten the towns people, and they start running for their lives.

Arya steps forward and looks at the dragons in amazement.

Daenerys smiles at the sight of her children.

The dragons fly over the walls of Winterfell and Sansa watches them in shock and fright.

The dragons are seen flying high above Winterfell.


Sansa, Brienne, Podrick, Bran and some of the northern lords (including Lyanna Mormont) stand lined up on the courtyard.

Jon, Daenerys, Jorah and the others ride through the gates of Winterfell. Jon jumps of his horse and runs to Bran. He hugs him. Bran returns the hug. Jon then kisses his brother's forehead and takes a step back to take a proper look at him.

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