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Oaujun couldn't believe how much he drank last night. His head feels like it's about to explode from the hang over. He looks at the time and it is already past noon. He's late for his afternoon class. He jumps out of the bed which was even a worse idea, the room starts to spin. He quickly composed himself, grab a quick shower and hurry off to school.

It didn't take him long to reach school. He runs through each faculty and knocks into somebody. "Sorry." He claps his hands together, before he could rush off again, a familiar voice calls out to him.


His chest feels lighter and his mood improves at the sight of his lover. "Fiat!"

"Why are you running?" Fiat looks at him carefully, "More importantly, why do you look like shit?"

Oaujun lets out a small laugh. "I went drinking with the group last night."

Fiat feels a little jealous that Oaujun went out drinking with his friends. "And now you're late. What did you guys do last night?"

"Nothing much other than talk nonsense and laugh at each other. May even joined us as well." Oaujun adds on.

"Oh." Fiat says shortly. He didn't know why but he feels a little hurt but he can't because he decided this.

"By the way, what time will your class end? You wanna grab dinner?" Oaujun asks, scratching his head.

"I finish at five. I'll see you for dinner." Fiat smiles back at the older boy, looking forward for their plan.

The lips on Oaujun's face curls up. "I'll see you outside your class." He pats the smaller boy's head before running off to class.

Fiat stands there, watching the boy run off with a smile on his face.

Krist slowly gain consciousness from the sun glaring through the window. He groans and turns around before he is greeted by the younger boy. "Good morning. I bought hot soy milk and donuts."

"What time is it?"

"Twelve thirty two."

Krist shot up from the bed. "I'm late for class."

Singto pushes him back down to the bed. "I don't think you're well enough to go back to class. You can barely walk." Krist looks at his ankle, wondering why there is so much restriction, his ankle is wrapped with bandage.

"I stopped by the traditional medicine store and helped you out with your ankle. Unfortunately there is nothing that can help with the bruising."

Krist didn't know what to say. Singto have been taking care of him ever since last night and he feels entitled. "You don't have to do this."

Singto smiles warmly at the boy. "But I want to."


Singto got taken aback by that question. Why? 

Krist looks at him. "Do you like me? Is that why you kissed me last night?"

Singto couldn't say a word. He feels his heart stuck at his throat, pulsing aggressively each time he wants to force something out. He didn't know when and he didn't know why but Krist has affected him more than he wants to.

Krist looks at the boy, stunned. Before he could continue the conversation, his stomach growls loudly. Singto takes that sign to ignore his question. He passes the boy the soy milk and donut. "I'm going to get lunch. What would you like to eat? I can go to your dorm as well and take your books so you won't be lacking behind in class."

It Must've Been The Wind (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now