The Resurrection

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Palpatine moves the Death Star into orbit.

Palpatine flies on to a First Class ship.

"All First Order soldiers execute Order One."

"Yes my Lord." Every soldiers replies.

The Death Star powers up.

Grand Moff Partlin (The man from Pasaana) activates the laser canons.

"When?" He asks as his hand hovers over the button that fire the laser.


The sky lights up green as ever system begins to explode.

"NO!" Finn shouts.

Ben hugs Rey and says to her
"The galaxy is dead Rey. Only you can stop this. You are not a Palpatine. You are a KENOBI!"

"Stop it. She must not know that." Palpatine shouts as he fires lightning at Ben.

Rey looks up and her eyes lose their glow.

"I am...Rey...Kenobi!"

Rey grabs her lightsaber and leaps up and stabs Palpatine.

"The High Ground is mine!"

"YES!" Finn says

"Get to the Falcon." Lando commands as he grabs Finn and Poe's hands.

Rey enters a ship and flies towards the Death Star. She searches for Parlin. As she runs through the hallways she stabs every stormtrooper she passes.

She runs into the main control unit.

"Hello there." She calls out to him.

Partlin fires at her but gets force choked to death. She activates the self destruct button.

The count down begins.

Rey leaps out of the window and she gets into a TIE fighter.

"Rey!" A voice calls out
Luke stands behind her.

"You are the last jedi. You can't make new ones. The name of the jedi is dead."

Rey nods as she flies out of the hangar and down to Endor.

Palpatine climbd up a hill. He looks up at the yellow ember in the sky with Rey flying through it.

"You think I had no back up plan?"

Palpatine holds up his hand and he summons Rey's lightsaber and snaps it in half. A bolt of powerful lightning strikes and a figure slowly appears.

"Anakin Skywalker is back. Rise Skywalker!"

Anakin Skywalker walks out. He has a half destroyed face with a robotic arm.

"Master. I have returned."

"You are the Chosen One. Now you mist kill the Rebels!"

Anakin turns and he holds up his lightsaber along with his red one.

He screams as he fights Kylo Ren and Luke. Rey stands defenceless.

Star Wars-Episode IX-The Rise of Skywalker (fan version)Where stories live. Discover now