Chapter one

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~Third person pov ~
"Dad, you really need to be taking more care of yourself," an annoyed American looked to his elder father with hands on his hips. " I am healthy; what the bloody hell are you talking about?" The elder father shook his head, annoyed. Another man came behind him smiling, setting tea in front of him. "Arthur, go a little easy on him; he is just worried; besides, maybe you shouldn't keep yourself inside all day reading. Perhaps we go on a picnic again with the family?" The Frenchman smiled, kissing his beloved husband's cheek.

"Francis, don't agree with the child; he just likes to insult me," The American man laughed at his father's words, as his brother now entered the room. "Mattie, dad wants a picnic; what do you say we get the family together?" The American turned to his brother, who smiled slowly. "Is he for it though? Alfred?" Matthew looked to his brother and his father, Arthur. "Yes, I will be fine with it, no worries. Francis here convinced me with a single kiss," Arthur smiled like a fool as he looked at his beloved husband with so much love in his eyes.

"Great then, I will let Kiku know that we are having a family picnic," Alfred smiled taking his phone out. Arthur's eyes widened with joy as he looked at his son. "I would love to see my grandchildren; that sounds nice. I hope that little Madeline and Yekaterina will be joining us?" Arthur asked with delight looking at Matthew. "Yes of course father," Matthew nodded patting his father's back. "Great, I will call Lucile and ask if she would love to come, should we invite any of our friends, Dear?" Francis asked, looking to his husband who adjusted the blanket on his lap.

"Yes, that does sound nice, I am not excited to see our grandchildren," Arthur smiled with his eyes closed. He loved when the family got together for food or a day out. The last time they did was last year, and he misses his grandchildren dearly. "I am sure Sakura and Amelia will be excited to see you," Alfred smiled, thinking of his twin daughters. They were about ten years old and loved visiting their grandparents any chance they got to do so. Matthews's daughter Madeline was the youngest of the grandchildren so far, she was only seven years old. Matthews's wife was expecting another child soon.

"Great, how about next weekend, we all meet together, I will invite Antonio, And Gilbert," Francis smiled, thinking of his old friends. They had known each other for over fifty years. Naturally, Francis was excited to see how his old friends were doing. "Sounds lovely, Francis; remind me to go out to the store tomorrow evening," Arthur smiled as he pulled at this husband's ponytail. "Of course, my love," Francis chuckled, ruffling his husband's grey hair. Alfred laughed at their behavior as Matthew took a seat beside him.

"Alright then, we need to go already; we will see you soon, papa," Matthew smiled, standing up once more. He walked over to Francis, giving him a soft hug as Alfred followed behind. "Don't drive dad crazy," Alfred joked as he hugged Arthur. Arthur has been sitting in his chair smirking at his son's acting goofy. "I am right here," Francis joked, letting go of Matthew happily. The two men waved their elder parents goodbye before leaving their home with a face of happiness. They always loved visiting their parents and felt that it gave them so much joy to spend time with them.

"They are getting so old," Francis smiled. He closed the door as Arthur smirked at him. "You are too, Francis, don't be so surprised," Arthur joked. Francis turned to look at his husband with a smirk on his face. "Don't act like you aren't immune to the effects of aging either," Francis sassed as he helped his old man of a husband stand up from his seat. "Oh really now?" Arthur laughed, grabbing his walker and heading to the kitchen for a snack. "Let's dance tonight," Francis added with joy.

"Francis, does it look like I can dance right now?" Arthur pointed to his walker. "Why, of course, my love. If you believe in yourself," Francis smiled. He kissed Arthur's cheek, soon handing him his cane so he could move around the kitchen more freely. "Would you like a cookie, old man?" Arthur asked. He took out a pack of whole grain cookies, pointing them at Francis. "Arthur, you are always the same after all these years."
"Which is?" Arthur looked at Francis slowly.
"An angry old man," Francis smirked. Arthur took the cookies and tossed them to his husband. "Aren't you funny?" Arthur said in a sarcastic tone.

"Of course, my love," Francis smiled. They both walked to their dining room to take a seat. Arthur worked on his needlepoint as Francis started to read the paper with delight. "Remember the days when we were still young? I would have been able to flip you," Francis smirked. He continued to look at the paper as he felt Arthur's glare at him. "Yeah, right! All you can do is barely lift the couch," Arthur shook his head in amusement. "That is more than what you can do," Francis placed the paper down.

He looked at his beloved with a smirk. Placing his chin on the palm of his hand as he stared at Arthur. "No worries, I will forever love you the same as the day I laid my eyes on you," Francis smiled happily. Remembering his young husband in his mind. Arthur looked to Francis with a lifted brow, wondering what he was thinking. The old fools continued to stare at each other with sly smiles. "Okay, enough now. I need to finish this," Arthur shook his head. He looked away from Francis, getting a sip of his tea calmly.

This is my new story, hope you like it so far. ❤️

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