Chapter two

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~Arthur pov ~
"Grandfather we've missed you, "Amelia called as she ran into the living room. It has been some time since I have seen them. They make me so happy to be around. "Hello dear," Francis smiled. He held her for a hug as Alfred set some things down in the house. "The weather says it might rain; maybe we should cancel?" Matthew asked concerned. "Nonsense, we will just have the picnic here," I smiled at everyone. They all looked at me as I set a blanket down on the floor. "Mon Cher, let me help," Francis rushed to me. His wrinkling hands grabbed me as he helped me sit down.

"Thank you, Francis," I smiled. I pat his hands as he slowly took a seat on the floor beside me. "What a great idea!" Alfred shouted. "Kat, just sit here," Matthew helped his pregnant wife onto the sofa. All the grandchildren sat around Francis and me as Alfred began to take the sandwiches out of the basket. "Who knew a storm would come out of nowhere like this," Kiku looked outside at the grumbling sky. "Yeah! It was totally out of nowhere!" Gilbert laughed.

He took a seat beside Antonio on the sofa as they both adjusted themselves to feel more comfortable. "How are you my sweet angel," Francis chirped as Maddie was braiding his whitening hair. He was so happy all the time, and it made me so unbelievably happy to see that. "I am well, grandfather," she giggled sweetly. "Sakura, no phones, remember?" Kiku nudged Sakura as she nodded obediently. Our family had grown so big, and I hope it will continue to do so. I smiled at the sight as I felt a slight tap on my arm.

"Yes, Amelia?"
"Who are the people in this picture? I don't think I have seen this before," Amelia looked confused. She stood up quickly to grab the picture frame as Francis, and I turned quickly to see. "That is grandfather Francis and Arthur as teenagers," Alfred answered. He wiped his hands, looking toward Amelia's confused face. "Really?"She asked, shocked. Francis and I started to chuckle as we took the photo in our hands to look at it. "I may be old, but I remember that day," Francis chuckled at the picture. "Oh really now? What was the day then?" I asked in a challenging way.

Francis laughed at me as he took the picture in his hand next. He smiled widely as the grandchildren gathered around him. "Story time!" Maddie jumped in front of Francis, excited. Everyone looked at him as I smirked. "Well then, go on," I laughed, looking at the picture. "Arthur, this was our first date," Francis chuckled. I smiled at him nodding. "Wow, you finally remembered something, you ancient reptile," I laughed.  Francis smirked at me as the young children looked at us interested. "What is it?" I asked, a bit confused at their reaction.

"You never told us how you met, "Sakura pointed out. "Really? I guess we haven't," I laughed. Everyone looked at us interested as Gilbert, and Antonio smirked to themselves. "Well, about that... Arthur, you can tell the story," Francis nudged me. "Hey, do not throw me under the bus," I laughed. Everyone looked at Francis and me in suspicion. We had never even told our own sons how we met, so I suppose the tension was great. "Actually, good question Sakura, Matthew, and I would also like to know," Alfred teased. Francis and I turned to each other and laughed once more.

"Okay, okay, fine, we will tell you," Francis calmed everyone down. I started to think for a moment as I looked over at Gilbert and Antonio, who was laughing a lot in the corner. Their old voices warmed the hearts of everyone in the room. "Ahh! I think I remember the story, remember," Francis nudged me happily. I smiled brightly, remembering it, "ahhh of course; how could I forget that," I laughed. Francis and I continued to tease everyone with our laughter as they were now on edge. "Just hurry and say it!" Alfred yelled eagerly. "Okay, okay, calm down," I laughed.

"Well, first, it was the year 19-."
"Yeah, can you skip the boring stuff and get to the good part? They already know you are old," Antonio looked at me jokingly. I rolled my eyes at him nodding. "Okay, fine, haha," I coughed the last part. Hearing the rain hit the roof of the house, everyone sat quietly, excited about the story. "The high school we went to was tiny, so everyone knew each other....."

~~~||cue flashback music~~~~

"I was in my last year of high school and decided that I should be more social, which I was able to do."

"Arthur!!! Tell us you are coming to the game tonight?" Ivan pat my back excitedly.
"Yeah. I do not know; there will be a lot of people there. You know how I feel about people," I chuckled. Ivan laughed as we walked to our next class beside one another. "Come on, just one, and I won't ask for anything else," Ivan begged. "Okay, fine! Just one game. It won't kill me," I laughed. We both walked into our next period as we heard many people discussing their excitement for the "football" game tonight.

"Hey! When will I get to say my side of the story!" Francis interrupted my train of thought. "Oh, I do not know, maybe when you learn to stop interrupting the story!" I sassed. We started to bicker as I felt Amelia shake me. "Go on, please!!!" She said excitedly. Everyone was eating their food, so interested in the story. "I will, Dear; Francis will have his turn soon once I finish my side," I glared at him. "That's what I thought," he joked. I shook my head at our small bicker session, as I started to continue on with the story.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

Also sorry about the suspense, I will try and update tomorrow. Thank you for the support❤️❤️❤️

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