Chapter ten

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~Francis POV ~ flashback
I have been waiting for Arthur for ten minutes and he still hasn't shown up yet. He might be busy. I check my watch as I became restless "What is taking so long?" I say out loud.
"FRANCIS! I AM SO SORRY... I had to finish work, and now I am late to go to work, and we need to hurry." Arthur came running out to the courtyard, tired and sweaty. "Hey, it is alright, don't worry about it so much," I tried to smile at his worried face. The way he freaked out reminded me of her...

Sophia....she cheated on me with some exchange kid from Hungary. The way Arthur was worried reminded me of her. "Come now, let's get you to work," I smiled. He nodded his head and followed me to my car. "Do you remember where I work?" Arthur asked as he put his seatbelt on. "Yes!!! At that hardware store I went to, I am not dumb," I chuckle. "Yeah....okay then," Arthur shook his head. As I started to drive, it got incredibly silent, and I tried my best to think of what to say. I looked over at Arthur, who looked at the window peacefully.

The calmness also reminded me of her. DAMN IT, I NEED TO STOP THINKING OF SOPHIA, BUT THIS GUY JUST DOES THINGS THAT REMIND ME OF HER. "Francis? Are you okay?" A calm Arthur called to me. I turned to look at him, and he looked really worried. "Yes, why do you ask?" I ask. "Well, you are squeezing the wheel tightly as if trying to break it off," Arthur pointed out. "No!!! Not at all, just know how it is," I try laughing it off. "Yeah....sure"

"Francis, listen, I know we kind of had a fallout not too long ago, but I am willing to comply and try my hardest to be nice to you," I was so surprised at his words that I slammed the brakes on the car fast. "OW!!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK FRANCIS!" Arthur hit his forehead on the front dash.
"DO YOU MEAN IT? YOU WILL GIVE ME A CHANCE TO REDEEM MYSELF?" I turned to him quickly, grabbing his hand in mine. "YES! Now calm down; you went crazy really on me right now," Arthur held his forehead in pain. "Ohhh, sorry about that! Hahaha, let's go," I laughed, starting the car up again.

I continued to drive him to work as the car was silent again. "Also....if you need anyone to talk to....I wouldn't mind listening to you for a bit," Arthur made a pouting face as he tried to not look me in the eyes. His face was red, and any smart remark from me would cause him to withdraw his offer. It reminded me of her.... "thank you, I will keep that in mind the next time I need to talk to someone," I smiled at him.

As I finally dropped him off, I told him I would be there by ten at night to pick him up and take him home. He smiled at me one last time before he left, and I think it made me want to punch myself in the face. So much so...that I needed to make a phone call to someone.

"So grandpa, you and papa decided to be friends?" Amelia asked, pointing her fingers together. "Yes, of course!" I looked over to Arthur, who drank his tea calmly. I had to keep the details out of what I was thinking and who that phone call was. Arthur found out a month later, and it broke his heart those years ago. I was so stupid, but I am glad the truth came out. Otherwise, I would have been living with guilt throughout these years.

"Antonio.....he reminds me of her"
"What?..... are you seriously trying to compare him to her? You need to move on. She dumped YOU! Don't go dragging other people into your issues."
"NO BUTS!!! ....Francis... I want to help you, but trying to find someone like her won't help you move on. Please forget about it; if you can't handle being around Arthur, then don't be around him. He doesn't need to be dragged into unwanted issues.....that will scare him off, you know."
"Yes...I know; I promise I won't be reckless.."
"Thank you, bye now."

To this day, Arthur doesn't know about the entirety of the phone call, but I shouldn't have been reckless. I looked over to Antonio, who stared at me knowingly. I begged him never to tell anyone everything we talked about in that conversation that night. Although some did get out....some stayed a secret.

Thinking back to the memories, it's hard to believe it was over fifty years ago since these things occurred. I love Arthur and will always love him. The memories of me falling in love with him will always make me fall hard, no matter how old I get or how old he gets. I look over to my grandchildren eating cheese crackers and getting ready for the rest of the story. "So, papa, how long did it take for you and grandfather to fall in love?" Maddie asked sweetly. "Oh....probably about a few months."

"Yeah...that sounds correct." Arthur smiled at me. "So grandfather, what happens next?" Amelia asked excitedly. "Well, Francis and I became closer friends as the days passed. He and I would do everything together, no matter what. I remember this one time where the both of us......"As Arthur started to take over the story, I couldn't help but begin to daydream on my own. Thinking about the events that took place afterward. After the first night, I took him to work. I sat back in my seat and dazed off. I wonder what I could have done differently.


Sorry about not writing in so long:( so so busy. But I wanted to update this book a few times today while I have time because tbh....I haven't updated in a while. I even posted on my Instagram account.

Thanks for reading so far 😘❤️

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