Chapter nine

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~Arthur POV ~flashback
Damn it, Francis is not here yet, and I need to go to school. I looked at the time on my phone tapping my foot as I stood outside my house door. "Bloody hell! I am walking," I said, shaking my head. As I started to walk to the sidewalk I heard a loud honking noise that grabbed my attention. I nearly fell on my ass, as I turned to look at what was happening. There was a blue car that suddenly stopped in front of my house. "What the actual fuck?" I said out loud.

"I am so sorry! I should have texted you that I woke up late, but I am here! Please don't be mad at me," Francis ran out of the car breathing heavily. I looked at him seriously before walking past him. I can't be mad at him for coming late, I will just have to live with it now. "Where are you going?" He asked confused. "To would you hurry up and get in the car, you are driving aren't you?" I looked at him in a sassing way. I crossed my arms seeing a smile creep on his face.

"Yes! Of course" he laughs, nervously. He ran over to his side of the car, and we both took a seat inside. I took a deep breath smelling the scent of cinnamon and apples. I liked it, but it was extremely odd that his car smelled that way. I looked around the car,  wondering why I even let him give me a ride. Are we legit had a fistfight not too long ago, who knows if he is trying to sneak up on me and do something evil? "Hey! Do you want some cookies? I have leftovers" he pointed to some cookies and then to his mouth.

He definitely is trying to pull something with me, I just don't really know what it is yet. I need to be vigilant. "Please let's just go to school already," I begged. He nodded quickly, wiping his mouth from leftover cookie crumbs, as he soon started the car. Francis started to drive off as I stayed quiet. "You are pretty quiet, but you sure know how to defend yourself. That's what I think is so cool about you," Francis chuckled as he watched the road ahead of us.

I looked at him with a lifted brow, and he soon started to laugh out nervously. "Sorry if I am acting weird, I just think that I should be making some more friends after my recent breakup. I guess, didn't love me as much as I loved her...." Francis's smile dropped as he started to ponder what he had just said to me. This was externally awkward.... what do I even say to help cheer him up. Well.... what do I even say to a person like him. It made me extremely nervous, so I decided to stay silent.

"Here we are," he smiled, pulling into the school parking lot. "Yes! Thank you. Will you be taking me to work later as you promised?" I lifted a brow, and he nodded. "Of course! Whatever you need, I will be here for you," He smiled cheekily. I nodded at his response as he parked the car in a spot. He must have really been hurting from the breakup; I mean it seems like he is trying really hard to distract himself from everything. I quickly grabbed my things to exit the car. "Where should we meet after school?"

"Let's meet in the courtyard right after the eighth period," he smiled. I nodded closing the car door behind me. I guess hanging out with him more will help me learn more about his type of person. Right now, the only impression I am getting is that he is trying to hide his sadness of a breakup behind himself trying to make new friends. I shook my head at the thought and continued to walk to class as fast as I could. I suppose I could tell Yao and Ivan about the recent events and see what they think of the situation. I suppose.....

"You sound like he was a nuisance!" Alfred looks at me, shocked, as Francis and I start to laugh. "Not at all; I was young and still trying to figure things out. Let's just say I was pretty smoothed-brained back in high school," Everyone starts laughing around us as Francis puts an arm around me. "Okay!!! So what happens next?" Amelia jumps up and down, extremely excited. "Well, school ends, and I take him to work" Francis shrugged. I looked at him quickly, lifting a brow. "You forgot about when you picked me up!"

"Oh right!!! My old brain of mine forgets easily!" He laughed an old laugh. "What do you mean "old brain"? You have been forgetting things since the day I met you," I laughed. Everyone started to laugh at us as we started to playfully bicker with each other. "Wait, so what happened after he picked you up from work?" Maddie asked, interested. Francis and I stopped laughing as we composed ourselves once more. "My dear Francis, you got this part," I put my hand on his shoulder as he smacked it away from himself. "Fine, I guess now I will tell the story now."

"Thank you, you old sack of potatoes," I laugh. Francis mocks my laugh as he drinks some of his drink beside him. "Okay, so I picked him up from his work and decided maybe he should have some fun instead of always being a grumpy old man. Which now, your grandfather really is a grumpy old man nowadays," Francis starts laughing at his "joke" as everyone shook their head amused. Everyone was used to hearing his terrible jokes, so they pretended to laugh...... I looked over at Francis smiling brightly, listening to he recalls the events of our high school days.

Hi!!! Thank you for reading!!! Sorry I have been gone so long, marching band is tough. Luckily this is my last week and I should be able to get more chapters out. Especially with the Hetabang starting. I have a partner and we will be writing a story together. I will be writing most of the story and it will be posted on my wattpad as soon as the description and first chapter is finished.

Hopefully you all will check it out.
Bye and goodnight ❤️

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