Chapter eight

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~Arthur POV~ (flashback)
"Are you okay, Arthur?" I looked to Yao who looked at me worried. "I am fine, why do you ask?" I say, laughing out nervously. "Well, you just seem like something is the matter," Yao held my shoulder as tightly as he could. "I am alright, do not worry," I looked back toward him as he nodded slowly. "What is it?" I ask ."Well, I overheard that guy you fist-fought with asking around about you," Yao looked at me a bit disturbed as I shut my locker shut, from what I heard. "What?!" I look at him shocked as I fix the book bag on my shoulder.

"Why on earth is he trying to find me?" I say, looking around. Yao shrugged his shoulders and pulled me to class. This Francis guy is starting to act like a creep. Does he want to get hit in the face again? Oh wait....maybe that guy is...into that stuff?!!!
As I stand still in the hall thinking about that, Yao waves a hand in front of my face. "Come on, snap out of it already," he snapped in my face as I shook my head nodding.

"Arthur!" I heard a loud yell. I looked down the hallway, seeing Francis horrifically sprinting toward me. It scared me to the point where I jumped back from fear. It was like watching some sort of demon come for my soul. "WHAT THE HELL?!" I move over before he could grab me. "Why did you move Arthur?" Francis looked at me pretending to be sad. "Because you are crusty and I do not want your germs on me," I laugh at him. He chuckled a bit before putting an arm around me. "You think you are so funny huh?"

"Yes! I think I am hilarious," I smirk as I throw his arm off of me. "Uhhh.. Arthur I am going to head to math" Yao looked at me nervously. "Alright, I will meet up with you soon," I smile. "Oh! So you have math right now?" Francis asked. "Yes, now leave me alone," I say as I try to walk off. "Oh come on, I am trying to make it up to you for that fight we had. I was just having a bad day, and honestly, I really acted out of character. If you would just give me a chance, we could actually, maybe be friends."

I stop to look at him very seriously. "Why? You seem to not be taking a lot of what you have been saying seriously" I looked at him crossing my arms. "Ah, but Arthur! I just like making jokes. Can you blame me?"
"I WILL SHOW YOU A JOKE, YOU BLOODY BASTARD!" I yelled, holding my fist in the air. "HAHA! I like you, Arthur; let's be friends," Francis laughed at me as I rolled my eyes. "I will think about it, but it will take a lot more than saying sorry."

I pointed to my black eye as he nodded nervously. "Right! How about I drive you to work today?" He suggested, but I shook my head. "I have my car" I looked at him, annoyed. " about tomorrow I will be your personal cab driver?" He shrugged, looking at me hopefully. "Hmmmm.... fine. I want to be here at school by 8 am, no later or early, you got that?" I looked at him in a challenging way. "Yes!! You got it, officer!" He held his hand up to his head in a salute-like manner.

"Bye now," I say, but he stops me once more. "What now!" I turn around, annoyed. "Can I have your number...just so I can get your address later," Francis laughed nervously as he held his phone out for me. "Fine..." I shook my head. I quickly put my number in his phone and took off to class. I wonder how he even saw me through the crowded hallway, he must have really been trying to find me. That bastard probably wants to just make fun of me, if he doesn't show up tomorrow morning, I will know exactly why.

"Bye, Arthur!!" He yells at me as I try to walk off. That guy is something else.


"So, what happened after?"  Amelia asked concerned. I lifted my head off of Francis's shoulder and looked at her excited face. "Dear do you want me to continue or would you like to?" I looked to Francis, who shook his head. "Actually, no, I would like to hear your point of view of what happened the next day. I am very curious," he smiled at me sweetly. I shook my head at him as I lifted my head off of his shoulder. "Alright, fine, will you pass me a sandwich at least?" I ask with a smile. "Anything for you"

I look back to our next generation of family members smiling. "Hopefully, this story isn't boring you to death," I laugh. "Not at all, dad!!" Alfred shook his head excitedly. "Yes, I agree; finally, hearing the story of how you met is actually very exciting! I pictured it way differently. For one, did not expect that fist fight," Matt laughed out nervously. Everyone nodded in agreement as laughter soon erupted from the room. "It happens, you know," I tilt my head.

"It was intense, but it is all in the past, my dear" Francis kisses my cheek as he lays his head on my shoulder. I lift my hand to his gray hair, massaging his scalp a little bit. "Well, go on with the story before you make me fall asleep," he laughs some more. I nod at his request turning to our family. "Okay, well, the next part of the story is, of course, him picking me up. I had given him my address the night before and was honestly having second thoughts about it. Especially since he kept blowing up my phone the whole day and night," I laugh, shaking my head.

Continuing the story.

Thanks for reading so far, and sorry about the slow updates. I will update when I can ❤️

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