More than friends (Jean)

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Earth 09
Personality:The Lunatic and The Wise
I was in the year 2099 walking through the streets of the futuristic Hong Kong passing by a Jade market
"So where is that element again?"I muttered to myself as I entered the market with my wrist projector signal detector
"(Who is this punk?)"I heard one of the weapon dealers say as I successfully hacked in the lights of the entire market waiting for the right moment
"(Hey you!)"One of them tried approaching me before I caused a blackout injecting him with an special poison before I located the containment box where they kept the gravitonium before I stole it placing a decoy as I heard The Public Eye deploying a couple of soldiers but I injected myself switching to phase powers as I started running through a couple of locals swiftly successfully avoiding them before quickly hiding in a restaurant letting the sentinels pass as they were informed of my presence
"(Keep your mouth shut)"I muttered to the owner that was looking at me as he obeyed scared that I might hurt him and his family
Once the sentinels passed by I left a good sum of money to the poor man rewarding him for his silence as I phased through the wall as I climbed up the wall reaching the rooftop of a building but the so called Spiderman managed to find me
"Stop right there!...-"He told me but i phased through him damaging one of his jet boots as I went through a window as I started running again feeling the device affecting my part cybernetic body alongside my human body feeling something inside me but I was too busy running away from that cunt but the so called X-Men arrived at the scene as I injected myself with the last pure DNA sample receiving teleporting powers as they were getting enhanced all the samples with the gravitonium creating a massive explosion
"SHIT!!!"I shouted before I let out the explosion thankfully my enhanced durability saved me still keeping secrets to myself trying to forget the past remembering the nuke from the Vietnam War only when I was a boy....
Thankfully the civilians didn't get hurt but I was out of it with the gravitonium now forming part of me as I was taken by The Public Eye kept as a living energy for their time machine as the heroes couldn't do anything to help me out of there
They transferred me to New York using me as infinite living battery for their mark 10 time machine as they tortured me from time to time as I didn't speak or emit any sound just hearing the voices inside my head
'You could have saved us!!'
'Die already brother!....join us!....'
'Why are you letting this happen?....because you hate yourself (Chuckles) pathetic....'
'Join your family my boy'
'Why didn't you become a priest? all this madness and for what exactly'
'Let go of the past little brother'
'Don't let them win Jackie....'
The voices of of my unknown past continued speaking as I was still on the machine charging it but something happened Spiderman and other heroes arrived as Lady Octopus and Sloan abused my power that teleported all the people present including me before we landed in different places as I was still out of it with the special collar strapped to my neck alongside the shock cuffs as I saw a different version of Ironman alongside other heroes that I never heard of
"We have a situation Cap"Tony told Steve over the comms as I was in some kind of alternate timeline created by all the chaos that happened in the original timeline
"Should we call the X-men?..."Spider-Man asked as he was upside down and speak of the devil the X-men from this timeline appeared descending down before leaving the X-Jet
"Hello fellow friends"Beast said in his usual enthusiastic tone
"We are here for the kid"Scott told the Avengers
Steve didn't let him pass not trusting Cyclops and his X-men to take me...
"He will be safer with us Captain"Ororo intervened trying to ease up the situation
"I'm afraid I can't let that happen"Magneto said as he was high in the air with metal parts of the car around him
"Time to cool down"Bobby said as he turned into his ice form but they're argument was interrupted as an army of sentinels from this timeline arrived
"He's waking up"Wanda warned as I ripped apart my cuffs and collar by hacking it right now not being in the best mood with the energy flowing in my entire body
I ripped apart the first ten sentinels stealing their energy before shooting a beam through the chest of five more sentinels feeling part of my body tired after releasing all that energy but I wanted to destroy more as I started hacking a sentinel before I started using him to destroy the remaining sentinels as they all dropped as I blacked out after using too much energy
"Now you understand Rogers why he has to come with us!"Cyclops shouted at him before they carried him in the X-Jet seeing all his cybernetic parts
"Is he gonna be okay?"Bobby asked as he was looking at his cybernetic arm
"Maybe"Jean responded trying to access his mind but she was blocked out
"Nothing Jean?...."Scott asked surprised like the rest
"Interesting....."Hank said while flying the X-Jet
Once they arrived in the Mansion they brought him to the medical room as Professor X was intrigued to know more about the kid
Four Months Passed as the kid started showing off his abilities still not being able to fully control it but it was a start and his connections grew with people still trying to know his Unknown past but he made up a story not trusting to share it.....
Saturday Night
I was in the mansion inside the Danger Room simulating privately against the sentinels on my own using all of my potential to rip them to shreds without causing collateral damage to the city as I imagined them as the killers of my family using all of my power going over my limit with part of my body feeling pain as a result before Professor X said that it was enough with the simulation ending
"Well done Jack"He told me as I was still playing the silent type thanking him without saying much as I was heading outside for a breather with a new friend on my left shoulder 'Toady' a mini bot that I made on my time here
"Have fun little buddy"I told him letting him explore before Jean made physical contact with me as a warning low shock pushed her hand away still not used too having friends or a family for that matter.....
"Sorry about that I'm not used too having people the other times...."I muttered the last part but she did manage to hear part of it
"The others....?"She asked confused as I cursed mentally
"What?!....what are you talking about now.... you're imagining things...(Chuckles nervously"I told her as 'Toady' came back to me before I went through he ground teleporting away from this conversation ending up in the Inhumans Royal Palace
"(Tries to teleport back But is out of energy) Right now really?...."I muttered to myself as I waved awkwardly at the inhumans and the fantastic four as I was charging up my emergency teleport device
"(Any moment now Boss)"Toady told me in his own language
"Need a ride?"Mr Fantastic offered as I was setting my destination while the device was rebooting
"(No thank you)"I spoke in another language before I teleported away having these side effect of seeing all my past mistakes and sins
'Why did you left!!?'
'Don't leave me!!'
I started bleeding from my nose as I was on the shower of my room sitting continuing to hear all the voices inside my head
One Month Later.....
I was in my dorm seeing an old hologram that my mother and father gave whenever I was too scared or alone
'Be brave matter what happens we will always look out for you'
'But if you die then....what will I do?.....I'm not strong or brave as my brothers.....'
'That's where you are wrong my're the strongest one of us all...'
'You're mind and heart are the purest thing that you'll always have son.....and no matter what happens you'll always have the heart of a innocent little boy'
'Sounds familiar doesn't it JACK!!!'
I freaked out as I didn't let the tears out as I was trying my best to not let them out but I'm sure that someone heard me
"Can I come in Jack?"I heard Jean on the other side of the door ask as I responded
"Yes...."I looked down as I was crying a little bit remembering the voices of the Vietnam War that horrible place but I still didn't want to remember my past or the horrible things I have done in order to get here
"Nightmares?....should I stay with you until they're gone Jack...(looks into the hazel eyes of Jack without knowing the closeness of her face to his)"She was too close for my comfort making me feel slightly uncomfortable
"'s not-(Jean kisses Jack on the lips catching him off guard as she pushes him down to the bed)"I felt like I was in heaven right now not gonna lie but at the same time it was weird because the whole age thing that I haven't told anyone really and I think they're not ready for me to just go and explain everything to them
She unbuttoned my shirt as I was recovering from all those kisses before she started touching part of my skin and cybernetic parts until we kissed again not holding back as we felt an embracing warmth
She removed her shirt as I started kissing her warmth chest until I reached her nipples as I started sucking them making her moan in pleasure at the contact
She unzipped my pants touching my manhood making me groan in pleasure as we shared another passionate kiss
We didn't stop exploring our bodies reaching the point of me taking her virginity with her consent of course
I continued penetrating her while she was facing me face to face as she was leaning on my shoulder stopping the moans from coming out
I pulled out once I was close to the climax as she was still close to me all naked before we shared a warmth kiss before drifting off to sleep

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