New Friends (Natasha Romanoff)

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Few years later....
I was in the Baxter Building inside the conference room with Widow,Spiderman,She-Hulk and the Fantastic Four as they were explaining to us the danger that Dr Doom represented so our mission was to stop him from releasing the plasma nukes all across the world
"No pressure right?"Spiderman joked as I was analyzing the nukes comparing it to my timeline
'This will cause over a billion of deaths across the world and many conflicts.......but it can be stopped thankfully only if we reach the nukes right in time'I thought to myself as I was seeing the probability of success
50% Percent Chance to Success
Possible death or loss of a limb
One step closer of earning their trust
And to complete father and mother mission...
Create a brighter future than the wasteland left from the wars and failed attempts....
They can't learn your past....
Johnny showed us our special costumes for this mission that was some kind of nano bots the very first version
"More comfortable than the prototype suits that's for sure"She-Hulk said as she was stretching her muscles as usual
"Awesome!"Spiderman said as he was seeing in the mirror the new white look of his suit
"Not my style but it will do"Widow said as she was adjusting her wrist shooters
"Let's go"Sue told us as we entered the Fantastic Car as it took off flying quickly towards Latveria as I was choosing my methods of completing this mission either using the phasing and teleporting powers to be as silent and quick as possible or using brute force with my force/energy powers
Proceed with caution....
Once we were near Latveria we went invisible thanks to Sue Storm as we avoided the radar by staying low until we landed safely somewhere close the island as I turned blind the turrets for six minutes enough time to enter as I hacked in the system to open up a hole from the energy barrier
"(Good to go)"I signaled them as I started running through the trees with the rest picking their own route to meet up in the position I marked as they took out quietly the guards using non lethal force
Once they reached the location I opened up the barrier for ten seconds before going through fooling the surveillance with an illusion
"Good work"Widow told me passing by before taking out with style and stealth three of the guards near the doors
"Clobbering time!"The Thing said as he smashed through the wall causing diversion
"You'll get used to it kid"Mr Fantastic told me as he rolled away helping out his best friend
"Spiderman you're with him"Sue told him as I prepared to infiltrate the castle
"You got it follow me rookie"He told me as he started swinging taking a few guys quite impressively having a different set of fighting style compared to the one of my timeline
"(Right behind you)"I signaled him as I was making sure to take out the turrets while taking some damage but the suit absorbed much of it as I slide in into battle shooting a barrage of energy blowing up some of the Doom bots alongside the Spider as they kept on coming as I was hacking in using all of my intellect while the Spider and The Black Widow were holding them off as I successfully took control half of them as they turned on the Doom bots destroying them
"(No time to lose)"I signaled them to come quick to stop Dr Doom for committing major genocide
We found the rest of the Doom bots destroyed as we entered at the nukes placed inside the plane seeing the Fantastic Four trapped in the plane
"Is official you're a horrible host..."Spider-Man said as he was upside down
"You made it here....good I'll be more satisfying killing you..."Doom said as he activated the plane but I jammed it for six minutes
"It would have been quick!! But now I'll make an exception!"He shouted before shooting a green beam of pure energy at us as I barely dodged as I was hacking the Dom bots to attack him to distract him
"We'll keep you covered!"She-Hulk said as she started getting some early strikes
I started hacking the plane doing everything at my power to try and deactivate the nukes inside the plane
"Warning!!! Warning!!!"The A.I. as I was deactivating everything while being careful of not killing The Fantastic Four
Two Minutes Remaining....
Doom was getting closer to me but the three valiant heroes kept him busy as I started finishing off the last nuke but was smacked away by Doom seeing that the nuke was going to launch so I quickly shocked him before freeing the Fantastic Four as I was a little hurt but kept on my feet
"This is going to hurt"I muttered as I opened up the plasma nuke as I started absorbing it containing the screams of pain but my face said it all
Once I absorbed it all I felt all that energy flowing in my veins as I had to release it at least a bit
"What!!!? Y-"Doom started saying but I punched him across the face with my fist releasing all the energy as he hit his body hard against a wall with his mask almost destroyed
He was out for the count as I calmed down feeling tired after all that before Natasha helped me move
"Not bad for your first day kid"Mr Fantastic told me as I was feeling pretty exhausted after all this
'Why do I keep doing this?'I thought to myself before walking out of the Castle leaving the rest of the work to the agents of shield
Mission success....
Update in system needed...
Replacement needed for iron arm...
I got inside the Fantastic Car as it took off leaving not trusting the agents for their due reputation...
Few days later....
I was being kissed by one of the deadliest agents of shield and avenger 'Black Widow' after a mission as she just straight up kissed me for no reason so I was kissing back touching her in the right places as we continued with our hot make out session
She unzipped my pants as she started sucking me off while I was leaning on my back against a
She doesn't care about us....
Don't let her manipulate you like the rest....
If we do this make it quick....we don't want to spend too much time with her....
I felt my inner demons speak as I continued making love to Agent Romanoff but not getting attached to her seeing it like a one time thing to just have fun but ooh man she sure does how to get it done
I started penetrating her against the counter as we continued our heated sex session
"Ahhh~~!...didn't know you had it in you Mr Morgan~~~"She moaned as I continued fucking her as my mind was still arguing on getting the hell out of here before she tried to manipulate us into doing whatever but I trusted her I think but had my guard up either way just in case
Once we had our fun I zipped my pants up before she pulled me into another kiss but I pulled away from the kiss
"Have a good night Agent Romanoff"I told her before teleporting away feeling like a complete asshole but well it's not like she's interested in mutants with a fucked up past so it's better if we don't talk about this

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