'Short story'

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Takes place after doing some errands around the multiverse
Has been chilling out in a island with 'Quentin' (inner voice)
Has the three keys and still trying to locate the fourth one
(James POV)
I was disguised as a janitor trying to lay low since my presence was discovered two days back when multiple of my acquaintances were in one room
Let's just say they are on opposites sides and I'm just in the middle not giving a damn about their  rivalry
What were they called.....don't remember really but they wore strange robes and the difference was something between the dark side and the light side
Really boring explanation but collected all the data from them,then there was a bunch of fairy tales characters from a book that turned out to be real in a way
Then there was some guy pretty old but could create the biggest death traps and most gruesome games
There was this other killers that made me look like a saint in comparison with them and I could continue telling you the weirdest things but well....
"There he is!!!"One of the guards said before my nano bots created a mind illusion to make them go away
I started tailing one of the persons that had a briefcase that had the map of a building that I needed
I was at the building hidden in the shadows waiting for everyone to go,once everyone left my arm shifted to grab the key that was along the trash
Of course everything was some kind of set up because a bunch of explosives went off as my shields protected me from most of the damage
Upgrade needed
Lethal Force Activated
My eyes turned red before my body teleported appearing behind my aggressor before breaking his neck
I threw his corpse to the flames before shooting a mini missile killing four of them before tearing apart their human face
They were similar to me but they were just a bunch of 'bounty hunters' that seem to have upgraded their tech in order to hunt me down
"I'll make this quick...."I got close to the last one before forming my hand into a blade killing the last cyborg
Threats Neutralized
Lethal Weapons Off
Have a great day in hell
My watch warned me about the time that I had left in order to save Jim before it was too late
Fourteen Days Left
Might want to hurry James
Time to get more violent in order to get what I want
Ohhh you remembered the phrase,how cute of you James
Getting soft now are we Quentin???
Just for you James the rest can rot in their own private hell
What are we waiting for???!!!
Damn right

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