Fragments (Rogue)

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Age:Over a hundred of years old (looks like he's mid twenties but can change the way he looks)
Main personality:The Mastermind
Main Weapon:Dual Fire Katana

Earth:0023Age:Over a hundred of years old (looks like he's mid twenties but can change the way he looks)Main personality:The Mastermind Main Weapon:Dual Fire KatanaAppearance

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Year:23 June 1999

I was in the medical bed of the Mansion after being almost crippled by a Mega Sentinel left with multiple broken bones left in a coma with my love partner Rogue visiting me trying to remember my jokes that would cheer her up no matter what,I felt betrayed by Mystique my dearest mother...(Laughter) that set me up with William Stryker.....
Some kind of disease got into my brain causing me to hear a voice that would tell me what was happening in the real world
Two Years passed with me still in a coma with everyone that seemed to have abandoned me including Rogue (Laughter)......she left me for the ice pussy well good for her....(Chuckles)easier for me to kill once we get out you and me Jackie
Once the disease reached the max my mutation enhanced,alongside the learning and training i did in my mind how to kill in multiple ways,guns,weapons and strategies alongside other things....
Poor little Hank tried checking me but I injected him with a modified tranquilizer just for him that I had hidden
"Sweet dreams little beast(pets him before leaving the medical room)"I told him before sneaking carefully in the mansion avoiding poor little shadowcat that woke up in the middle of the night so I dropped down injecting her with one of my toxins seeing her struggle seeing her worst nightmares before I continued on moving heading down to the sub level basement to destroy Cerebro so Charles wouldn't interfere in my plans(Laughter) Gonna miss you wheels!
I managed to destroy it before leaving the sub level basement before I noticed Colossus awake looking for poor little Kitty so I threw a dart that contained a not so lethal poison that wouldn't let him breath very well seeing him struggle before my clothes switched to something more classic
I went up my old dorm before I dosed it with gasoline before I threw a cigarette on my way out seeing burn (Laughter)
"What the hell!!?"Logan shouted waking up the rest but I was already gone
(Logan POV)
I got out of my dorm shouting at the rest to wake up before I noticed the fire of Jack dorm seeing that It was no accident
"What's the....holy!!!"Scott shouted before going up the stairs with a fire extinguisher before he managed to control the fire but the room was completely burnt out seeing that this wasn't any accident seeing all of the photos of Jack burned alongside his X-men uniform
"Hank could come here.....! Hank!!??"I shouted before trying to look for him so I went to the lab seeing Kitty,Colossus and him with a mark on their neck besides Jack not longer being here
"Magneto!!!!"I shouted angrily
"Where is-"Rogue stooped herself once she looked at his friends
"Charles we need your help!"Scott shouted running towards his dorm
We reached the sub level basement going through the door to get to Cerebro but we it destroyed all the room with markings of laughter
"I'll find that son of a bitch!!"Logan shouted
"We can't invade Genosha is too dangerous"Charles told him
"Then you're willing to let him lose more years of his life Charles!!?.....we gave up on Jack!!! All of us!!! And now Erik probably has him under his influence"I told him furiously
(Normal POV)
Two days passed after I freed myself from those imbeciles looking for my first target step right on dear sir how about you Toad let's be honest it's not like they will remember you so I'll make it quick pinky promise (Laughter)
I stalked him without getting seen before I managed to get him while he was jumping so I shot my toxin knocking him out where he landed on a container of trash face first so I picked him up
"Sorry someone had to be first toady(Chuckles)"I told him before shooting him with my fake gun that shot a flag through his head before I left quickly the scene using my box of infinite tools to bring out a car so I got inside before driving in hyper speed in Invisible mode before arriving at a supermarket finding Blob and Unus so I started mixing my toxin in the ventilation system before locking them in before I activated the toxin them fight each other to the death before bringing the entire building down killing both of them
Check and Check alright then how about paying a social call to Avalanche and Pyro so I used my car to go there quick seeing them fighting against a bunch of humans so I planted tons of dynamite on the cars before blowing it up seeing one of the cars splat Avalanche (Laughter) Irony before shooting Pyro in the balls multiple times before taking a picture sending it to the mail just for Magneto before I left using a different vehicle this time a tricycle but I was on a room so I decided to go for William Stryker before arriving quietly leaving a bunch of teddy bears where guards could see them and bring them to William so once they did I pressed the red button hearing the screams of Stryker before getting out from my box a chair with 3D glasses with popcorn
"And they should detonate in three two one (Boom Boom!!!!)"I said before finishing my popcorn before sitting back down on my chair that turned into a car racer making me tiny before driving away to kill the rest of the brotherhood keeping the heads making exceptions with Magneto and his family for now...
I went to my hideout near San Francisco having a good work sleep.....
(Logan POV)
The next couple of days
We heard over the news multiple killings of mutants and humans that worked for William Stryker
We had to go to Magneto for help.....(groan)
Once we reached Genosha we noticed that the brotherhood wasn't around giving us the idea of what happened
"We don't believe you bub"I told Magneto still not accepting the road Jack has chosen reminding me of my old savage self
"Believe what you will X-men your friend seems to have lost faith in what he believed in and who can him after all you gave up on him"He told us making me slightly mad
"He's not capable of taking a life I know him"Mystique said making Magneto slightly chuckle
"Calm down Logan!"Ororo told me trying to hold me down from killing him before Sabretooth went through the roof of the palace glass dead with multiple bullets of adamantium in his brain before multiple stun grenades were thrown blinding us temporarily before we heard someone going through the glass ceiling
(Normal POV)
I landed on top of poor little grumpy pants that was dead so the next one on my list was my dear mother so I threw two knives but she caught them but they released a toxin inside her poisoning her before I ran at her kicking her in the face before pulling her by the hair smashing her skull to a glass wall before I threw her away receiving a bullet through the heart but I just laughed before smacking Ice Cunt (Laughter) Good one!!! with a pipe before throwing multiple of grenades in the air shooting them knocking all of the mutants down blowing away quite far with my head in the wrong way so I snapped it back seeing that fake Rogue was protecting Magneto
"You'll have to kill me if you want to get him sugah~"Fake Rogue said before I just chuckled
"Alright then (Gets out handgun before shooting mama Mystique on the stomach two times maybe....four times he'll make it ten)"I told her surprising everyone that I didn't hesitate but it was oblivious Mystique before I shut the trap of Magneto with a tranquilizer dart so I kneeled down to my dear mother
"(Spits ok her face disrespectfully)How's it feel to be stabbed in the back?.....great isn't it you fucking whore (smacks her with the butt of the handgun)"I told her
"This isn't you Jack!"She told me before spitting blood to the side before I shot her in the knee cap making her groan in pain
"(Laughter)You don't even know me mother.....poor Kurt he thought you will redeem yourself but you proved you're a filthy rat!....why don't you join Stryker in hell!!"I told her with my gun in her forehead
"....I'm sorry.....son.....for never being there for you.....your birthdays-"She started saying but I started choking her with my eyes completely green before just laughing like a maniac
"I'm touched (Chuckles)"I told her before letting her go knowing she was holding back the entire time
"Is he dead?"Logan asked me seeing poor Victor before I noticed Sabretooth healing factor so I started shooting him from out of know here slightly scaring poor little Rogue and the rest
"And just to make sure(shoves two grenades inside him)"I told Logan before poor Victor blowed off sky high
I got out my list check and check all right all done for now until we run another group to torture and kill
Rogue walked towards me grabbing me by the red tie before kissing me on the lips but I pulled away spitting like a child
"Sorry but you're already taken by Ice Cunt (Chuckles before giving her the bird before disappearing thanks to an explosion)"I told her making her feel slightly hurt and guilty
"What the hell Rogue!!?"Iceman asked before Rogue didn't even bother to look at him
"Not now!"She responded before flying after his old lover but he was already gone
Three years passed and I was laying low for now....(chuckling) just kidding been planning to kill another poor bastard alongside the rest of his bitches
The Mutant Liberation Front......a bunch of pansies acting tough just for the hell of it (Chuckles)
I went to work with my best green suit on with my briefcase where I had all the gifts for them so once I arrived I entered planting all of the gifts in the building before heading out seeing all the mutants that were practically the bitches of Stryfe entering alongside him so the last part was set so I got out my sniper rifle with a enhanced poison bullet just in case the bastard managed to survive so I shot between the eyes before detonating the gifts that killed all of those pansies bringing the building down hearing the police sirens so I managed to get rid of the evidence before I left the crime scene before the X-men arrived at my location seeing the Blackbird but the Avengers seemed to be wanting to arrest me first for all those killings
"Go ahead then arrest me(Chuckles)no tricks.....I promise"I told them before dropping the briefcase getting on my knees but the avengers were busy arguing with the X-men deciding my fate while Frank Castle 'Mr Punisher' was keeping a look out
"What happened to your skin?"Punisher asked me but I just chuckled
"Nothing important really the doctors say is some kind of side of effect of the syndrome"I told him before Captain America came over placing the adamantium cuffs before I got up with all those stares directed right at me but I had a smile the entire time
Once I face trial they accused me of mass murder of mutants and humans.....(You're Welcome nobody will miss those bastards,probably did more than the so called heroes around here....just saying but whatever kill me if it makes you feel safe)
As it was finishing the final verdict was.....(trumps)
"I found these man not guilty!"The Judge said putting a condition of me being watched for six months without causing any problems otherwise I would rot in jail
Some were shocked and those that didn't find mutants normal to say the least stayed quiet....including some of my old friends in the X-men
I was escorted out of the courthouse before just enjoying my punishment of having to live......
"........."I stayed quiet all the way to the mansion
(Two weeks passed and I still haven't said a word)
I was crafting a Jack in the box in my spare time avoiding any contact with the mutants....Rogue from time to time gave me a visit but let's just say I felt not caring feeling like we went through this already
(Logan POV)
I noticed Rogue coming out of Jack's room with a Jack in the box seeing her slightly happy for a change
(Timeskip,Three Months Later And back to Normal POV)
I was in my bunk working on new designs for my costume with enhancements before Rogue entered my room sitting near me seeing me drawing before grabbing my left hand
"Something I can help you with?"I asked her not paying her much attention before she grabbed the side of my face kissing my cheek
"What was that for Marie?..."I asked her before our foreheads got together throwing the notebook to the ground
"I....don't know....hmmpph~~"She told me before sharing a passionate kiss before pushing her slightly removing her top licking her breasts making her moan slightly before kissing her again on the lips feeling her powers losing slightly control but we were lost in our bodies doing what cane natural removing our clothes before she mounted on my manhood holding her tightly as she was going up and down helping her making her moan my name before changing positions with her head facing away with me penetrating her from behind enjoying all of her sounds feeling finally human after a long time
I continued on about to pull out but she pulled me for a kiss not letting me pull out so we climaxed together
"Ahh~~~....Missed you to much Jackie~~ Don't leave me again~~~..."She told me before I kissed her hand
"I promise my darling~"I told her before hugging her close

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