Support (Emma)

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Earth 9
Couple of months later.....
I was in Hawaii taking a sunbath with my other companions Thor,Spiderman,Steve Rogers,
Wasp,Hank Pym and Wanda Maximoff
The last couple of months I helped The Avengers successfully keeping my past on the shadows
with no one asking questions but I knew it would be a matter of time and The X-men well they were too curious trying to find about my past so I stayed away from the mansion but knew sooner or later my past was going to find me
"Unusual storm detected sir"Jarvis warned us as I muttered to my drone
"Get the motorbike ready"I told 'Toady' that spread out his little wings as he went for the motorbike
"Are you certain after this they will get suspicious of you Master Morgan?"He asked me in the comms as I knew the consequences
"I am now go.....Evie send a broadcast over the island and tell them to get inside a safe place"I told my other mini nano robot
"Of course boss not a problem"She told me as she activated her mini jet pack heading towards the tower radio
The Avengers went for their suits as I noticed the army of human size sentinels
"What the hell?"Stark said as my motorbike came to me as I got on before activating the jet mode with my nano armor covering my body as the sentinels were focused on me after I messed around destroying their bases in my timeline being their number one priority from the mutants
"Mutant detected! Eliminate!"They said as I was moving through there buildings around the island as my powers were charging up
I threw a couple of contained grenades destroying part of them but they adapted to the explosives as they were shooting at me until they managed to hit my engine as both of my bots were doing their best to repair it but I went to plan B as I phased through a wall as they split up trying to get in a death end as I planted energy traps destroying four of them while the five of them started copying the powers of Bishop absorbing the energy before shooting right at me hitting me off the motorbike as they tried shooting me but they were tore apart by Magneto the least of people I expected to save me but then again he might want me to do something for him
"New sentinels?.....they don't seem like the ridiculous giant purple robots...."He said as I got back up injecting myself to make my healing factor close my wound using the first injection now only having two
"Was everyone evacuated?....What the hell is he doing here?"Tony asked about to shoot a beam from his chest but Steve stopped both of them
"Now it's not the time to fight"Steve told them as they eventually calmed down
"Father why are you here?"Wanda asked kindly as Magneto answered
"Came for the boy.....Charles wants me to take him to him after all of these events that have occurred over the last three years"Magneto said as he grabbed me using his magnetic powers
"We are coming with you"Thor said as he teleported everyone to the X-Mansion creating a hole in the ceiling by accident
"What an entrance>..."Peter said happily with his iron spider suit still on
"Interesting"Hank Pym said seeing all the mutants with their unique look examining them
Professor X came in trying to read my mind but still had him blocked out alongside Emma that was trying to open my mind using mind tricks but it wouldn't let them in
"Don't try that again....."I said slightly in my alter ego voice before I took back control with my eyes going back to normal
"What aren't you telling us son?"Steve asked me as I was on the other side of the room with two energy blades coming from my wrists
The other X-men came out to see as I got out a device to show my memories as I only had to place my hand but it will cause me to remember my past.....alongside the terrible things I had to do in order to survive
"This is going to hurt.....(places hand on the device)Mmmgh!!"I groaned in pain as it started out in the year 1965 back when I was just a kid with the deaths of my parents being killed by a bunch of soldiers as it started showing how I slowly started becoming unstable as I only had my olde brother looking out for me but he was killed using the time machine from my uncle William before the soldiers had a chance to kill me as I ended up years ahead of future all alone as I remembered how to kill from my training in the Vietnam War.....meeting some nasty people and good people that died for me as I started listening to this stories about heroes and saviors that died trying to protect the Earth having the side of the developed technology and the other side of the rotten ones
"JOIN US!!!"
As the voices of my past shouted as my alter ego spoke up
"CANNOT HIDE FROM ME!! (Chases after prey that tried taking advantage of Jack)"
"ILL EAT YOU FOR DINNER....BUT FIRST LET US START YOUR PUNISHMENT (About to cut off manhood from a man in front of his wife)"
"THE MAN FROM THE BAG IS COMING....(sings like a maniac before killing the victim by breaking his neck)"
As the memories continued on until it reached how I got here in this timeline before I stopped the device throwing it away
"(Chuckles)......"I didn't say a word as the X-men and Avengers didn't know what to say before the sentinels found me as I was enraged right now
"Stay here...."I told them in a serious tone as I turned into my alter ego with green energy surrounding me before I got out of the mansion as I started laughing and cursing like a maniac shooting energy beams without holding back my potential as they pathetically tried adapting but I destroyed them taking revenge on my friends that were killed at the hands of these bastards
I continued shouting leaving the entire sentinels as scrap before taking on the mega sentinel absorbing all the hits ignoring the fact I was bleeding for abusing too much of my power as I managed to kill it enjoying it before I grabbed the human that was controlling it
"GAME OVER BUDDY (LAUGHTER)"I told him as I was going to rip his head off but was stopped by Logan that intervened peacefully
"......It won't ease the pain Jack.....or bring back those that you love....."He told me before I changed my mind on killing him as I broke his arm before leaving him be
I changed back as Magneto offered me a place to stay as I accepted as Emma came along leaving the others
Couple of months later.....
I was in my room inside the palace with Emma laying naked on my bed after we got rid of our frustrations
She's not worth it...
She'll use you....
She doesn't care about us....
I woke up ignoring my alter ego as I was still naked before Emma started kissing my neck getting out of my trance
"Let me help you~~"She told me before kissing me again with her blue toned lips as we started our second round of passion on the bed
She started giving me a hand job as I relaxed while she was kissing me so I returned the favor touching her clit inserting a finger making her shiver
She eventually got on top of me riding my manhood as I was enjoying myself as I helped her keep balance as she moaned
Once she came we changed positions as I teasing her licking her clit until she begged me as I obeyed to please penetrating her from behind
Once the voices inside my head calmed down I finished as we drifted off to sleep and the next morning I acted like nothing happened seeing it like it was a one night stand

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