4 | Lost Moments

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Just as the brightness stirred you awake, you felt a throbbing pain in the back of your head

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Just as the brightness stirred you awake, you felt a throbbing pain in the back of your head. You reached up to put a hand over your eyes to block out the bright light that threatened your closed eyelids only to realize you had little strength.

Why do I feel like shit?

You heard a knock on the door and the whispering voice of your maid, Josephine, who had also doubled as your nanny growing up.

"(Y/n) dear. Are you awake yet?"

You heard your bedroom door open slightly.

"Yes, Jo— " you croaked out, turning your head to the direction of your door while weakly cracking your eyes open just enough to see her peak her snow-haired head in.

Seeing that you really were awake, Jo rushed in to examine you. She patted your hair, "You poor thing. I've been checking on you every hour. I need to let your parents know you're finally awake."


Jo immediately left, quickly closing the door behind her.

You were finally able to open your eyes completely and saw that the sun was shining brightly in your room. Sitting up in your bed, you realized you were already in your lilac dress.

"What the— ? Did I fall asleep after getting ready?"

It took a lot of effort, but you were finally able to push yourself out of bed. You noticed your heels were placed nicely at the side of your bed. You didn't recall even grabbing them out of your closet.

You walked into your bathroom planning to splash some cool water on your face to help wake you up. You needed to be ready and awake for the dinner party tonight. If you were lucky, maybe the guy who found you lurking outside his house would be attending the party.

You glanced up in the mirror and gasped in surprise. Your hair looked as if it had been curled and put up already, but the curls had died down and the top of your hair was a mess. Your makeup had been done too but had smeared into streaks on the side of your face.

I don't remember ever getting dressed or doing my hair or makeup!

You couldn't understand why you were in such a state. Pure confusion overcame you as you racked your brain to try and remember. The last memory you had was watching your mother rush the house elves to prep the house. Did you get ready early and fall asleep? Did you cry in your sleep hence the smeared makeup?

"(Y/n)!" You heard both your parents call out as they came rushing through your bedroom door.

You gripped the wall for support as you walked out of your bathroom back into you room. You felt nauseous.

"Ma— Pa— I feel horrible. I don't understand what—"

Your mother cut you off as she took you into her arms, squeezing you into a tight hug.

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