12 | Obliviate

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Harry, Ron, and Hermione along with you, Alphinaud, and Alisaie were called into Professor McGonagall's classroom to be interviewed with Leanne soon after getting back to Hogwarts

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Harry, Ron, and Hermione along with you, Alphinaud, and Alisaie were called into Professor McGonagall's classroom to be interviewed with Leanne soon after getting back to Hogwarts.  As you nervously followed everyone inside the classroom, you got a clear view of McGonagall and Snape whose faces showed the severity of the issue at hand. Your eyes immediately narrowed in on the opal necklace which was seated on the podium between both professors.

Professor McGonagall asked most of the questions, starting with a recollection of what exactly happened when it came to Katie before the incident. As each of you were questioned, McGonagall and Snape carefully examined the opal necklace. The necklace seemed to gleam in the sunlight, a beautiful deadly gleam that made you feel sick to your stomach as Snape levitated it up to better examine it.

You stood near the back with Alisaie and Alphinaud. Noticing that you seemed uneasy every time you looked at the necklace, Alphinaud nudged you softly and offered you his arm. You looked up to see him smiling down at your reassuringly, and so you gratefully accepted, clutching his arm and hugging it against you.

Switching your gaze back to the front of the classroom, you locked eyes with Snape and froze. The same feeling you had each time you caught Snape eyeing you with his calm and emotionless demeanor crept up your spine again. It was an odd feeling and perhaps you were just being paranoid, but you felt like Snape was constantly reading your mind. Because of this, you found it difficult to keep eye contact with him.

Directing your attention elsewhere, you listened as Leanne told McGonagall that while at the Three Broomsticks, Katie had left for the loo, and when she came out, she suddenly had the package which she claimed she needed to deliver.

It suddenly made sense why Draco was there in the Three Broomsticks to begin with. He must of gone there just to give the necklace to Katie. You don't recall seeing Katie at all when you first entered the Three Broomsticks just as Draco was leaving... the exchange must have happened just minutes prior.  Draco had come out from the back where the restrooms were. Maybe that's where he unloaded the necklace on her? But what was his motive for giving the necklace to Katie? Who was the necklace meant for? Your mind was swimming with so many questions.

McGonagall followed up with the same exact question, "Did she mention to who?"

Leanne responded, "To Professor Dumbledore."

These words instantly made your blood run cold. Draco gave Katie the necklace with the intention of having it brought to Dumbledore?  Why?  Why would Draco do such a terrible thing? Giving the necklace to anyone was bad enough. Yet Draco wanted Dumbledore to receive it? How was Draco even able to convince Katie to take the package? Your mind continued to race with these thoughts as you tried your best to keep your composure.

"It was Malfoy." Harry had claimed so surely.

You found your eyes snapping up to glare at the back of Harry's head. You unknowingly clutched tighter onto Alphinaud's arm out of irritation. You had no idea how Harry knew or what made him so sure it was Draco, but this only made you even more nervous and worried.

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