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September was a blur

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September was a blur. A blur of classes, studying, getting lost multiple times in the castle, Blaise constantly trying to converse with you, hang outs and bonding with the twins, Pansy constantly trying to pick a fight and slowly pushing you to the edge, and Draco trying his best to ignore your very existence.

Though September had seemed to drag on, you found yourself sitting on the leather sofa in the common room, staring into the fireplace as you wondered how it was suddenly October. You had managed to survive an entire month.

You sighed and leaned back into the sofa while taking a look around the common room.  There was a small group of third year boys huddled around one of the desks while taking turns to glance over at you, no doubt trying to dare one another to walk over and talk to you as so many of the younger Slytherin boys seemed to try and do lately. You scoffed and shook your head, letting your gaze wonder around the room more. There were a couple fifth years sitting in the large lounge chairs playing chess, few sixth years with quills scratching away at parchment and studying, and then Draco Malfoy— slumped in one of the armchairs in the corner of the room.

You frowned as you looked over at Draco.  You could never figure him out.  Why was his guard always up?  Why did he always want to be left alone?  Not only had he distanced himself from his posse, but you noticed that he was skipping meals and possibly losing sleep, for he seemed to have gotten a bit thinner and dark circles were forming under his eyes. 

"Evening, (L/n)," Blaised greeted as he took a seat next to you on the leather sofa.

"Good evening," you answered monotonously, your head still swimming with worry for Draco.

Blaised waved his hand in front of your face.  You blinked and looked up at him, finally acknowledging him.

"Sorry, sorry. My mind was somewhere else."

"I thought so," he chuckled. "Hey, listen. I'm really struggling with that potion's essay due next week.  You think you could help me out after dinner?"

You shrugged and nodded, "Sure. Why not. I haven't even started on it yet anyway."

Blaise grinned as he patted your back, "Thanks a load. Let's make it, I don't know...10 o'clock? See you then."

Once Blaise had up and left, you sighed and leaned back into the sofa again. You drummed your fingers on the armrest in annoyance.

10 o'clock? Why the hell does he want to start the essay so late?

Your eyes naturally gravitated towards Draco again, who seemed to be falling asleep while working on his essay. A small smile appeared across your lips. When half asleep, he didn't have that scowl plastered on his face like he always did, his brows not mashed together in disapproval. Instead, Draco looked so much more happier and peaceful.

Realizing you were staring, you gasped and shut your eyes.

Get a grip, (Y/n).

Shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you stood up and quickly walked out of the common room.

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