9 | First Day of Classes

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You woke up to the low humming of your Puffskein alarm clock

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You woke up to the low humming of your Puffskein alarm clock.  You groggily reached over and turned it off before sliding your sleeping mask off your face. Last night was yet again another night where you didn't sleep well.  Even after making your room feel cozy and taking a long, hot shower, nothing helped relieve the anxiety that built up when you realized you would be starting classes the next morning.  You felt as if you slept for a good ten minutes.

Forcing yourself to roll out of bed, you quickly washed up and dressed into your uniform.  You looked yourself over in the full length mirror. After deliberating on how to style your hair, you used a few beauty charms you had created yourself to help speed up the process. Your hair was now in loose curls and a small amount of makeup applied to help enhance your natural features.  You sprayed some of your favorite no-maj perfume on your wrists and dabbed a small amount behind your ears before smiling to yourself in the mirror with approval.

After leaving your room, you headed down to the common room which was fairly empty.  You didn't see Draco, much to your disappointment, or Blaise and so decided to make your way to the great hall.  It was still fairly early so you would have more than enough time to have breakfast.

As you were making your way up the staircases, you heard a familiar voice calling out to you from below. Looking down over the railing, you spotted Alphinaud a few staircases below.  You smiled and waited for him at the next landing.

"(L/n), good morning!" He panted, having dashed up the few staircases to catch up to you.

You laughed slightly at the poor soul as he tried to catch his breathe. Maybe you were too nervous to really notice the day before, but you couldn't help but realize how attractive Alphinaud was with his messy white-blonde hair and his deep blue eyes that peered at you from under his long bangs.

"Good morning, Illeur. Heading to the great hall?"

Having finally caught his breath, he stood straight up and smiled. You unintentionally took note of his height. Unlike Draco who was almost a head taller than you, Alphinaud wasn't that much taller. You mentally kicked yourself for comparing the two once again as you both started making your way up the stairs.

"Yes I am," he cheerfully responded. "And mayhap I ask that you call me Alphinaud, please. It makes things much simpler for when you meet my sister."

You both reached the main floor and started walking down the corridor towards the great hall.

"Then feel free to call me (Y/n). I didn't know you had a sister," you replied.

He beamed and said, "I can ensure you not to worry. You'll know who my sister is the very moment you see her."

You raised your eyebrows just as you both turned into the great hall.  There were a few students scattered throughout the hall eating and chatting away. Unlike last night where everyone stayed seated with their own house, there were no house banners hanging above the tables. Though most seemed to stick to their corresponding house tables, some students sat and ate with students from different houses.

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