7 | Welcome to Hogwarts

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You woke up early the morning of September 1st

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You woke up early the morning of September 1st. You were unable to get much sleep during the night as you tossed and turned imagining the different scenarios that could possibly happen on your way to Hogwarts and how the rest of your year there could go. To say you were nervous was an understatement. Feeling slightly nauseous, you double checked your school trunk and made sure you had all the clothes and supplies you needed.

You walked over to your purring kitten Snowbell, the newest member of your family. The night after you last saw Draco Malfoy, you found Snowbell wondering around the back patio after your evening swim. She had on an expensive-looking white collar, the name Snowbell newly etched on the side of the bell charm that happened to be in the shape of the Eiffel Tower.

You couldn't explain the heavy feeling you had in your chest when you discovered the charm which seemed to light up at night to look just like a lit up Eiffel Tower. It was no coincidence you were planning on getting a new pet to bring to Hogwarts and that you had just visited Paris the day before.

No amount of thought could settle your mind as to why Draco Malfoy would leave you this kitten after saying what he had. If he wanted nothing more to do with you, why go as far as to get you a kitten with a bell charm that obviously signified the day you both spent together? Was this his way of leaving a goodbye present? Or were you just overthinking it all? You hated the fact that a newfound hope had ignited inside of you.

You shook yourself out of your thoughts and scanned your room. It would be four months before you'd be back, you thought to yourself. It wouldn't be so bad, time would fly by quickly.

"Wingardium Leviosa," you whispered as you flicked your wand out with your wrist. Your school trunk levitated slowly off the ground. You walked over to it and beckoned Snowbell by patting on the floating trunk. She meowed in response before hopping on top of your trunk and sitting down on it. You smiled at how obedient and smart she was. At least she'd be able to keep you company at Hogwarts.

With one last glance around your room, you walked out your bedroom door to meet your parents downstairs, your trunk floating closely behind you.

With one last glance around your room, you walked out your bedroom door to meet your parents downstairs, your trunk floating closely behind you

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