13 | Bruises and All, Come What May...

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"Are you alright?" Draco murmured

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"Are you alright?" Draco murmured.

You both had taken seats on a pile of books in the large cathedral sized room cluttered with what looked like years and years worth of abandoned belongings.  Draco had insisted you sit on the taller stack of books that had been placed haphazardly on the floor. You turned to look down at him, your streaming thoughts of what had just happened minutes ago coming to a halt.

You tilted your head to the side in slight confusion. "I'm fine. ...Are you alright?"

He scoffed and shook his head with a slight scowl on his face.

"I meant about... that...," he said as he tapped to a spot on his neck. You mimicked him, feeling a dull sense of pain when pressing on the same spot on the side of your own neck. Your brows scrunched together in confusion.

"That was my fault..." Draco muttered dejectedly, staring at what you imagined to be an unsightly bruise on your neck. "I didn't realize... I'd end up bruising you..."

"Hey, it's okay. It's worth not getting Obliviated," you laughed softly.

Draco's brows knitted together. He continued to glare at the bruise on your neck before bitterly looking away.

You sat in tense silence, your mind going over the fact that just moments ago, Draco was threatening to Obliviate you.

Looking down towards the ground, you whispered, "Would you really have done it?"

Draco's brows furrowed further. He answered without hesitation. "Yes."

Again, silence. Though you had eased the situation by forcing your way into Draco's arms, the atmosphere was almost unbearable.

"You're a bloody fool," Draco said, finally breaking the silence.

You refocused your eyes and looked over at him. Draco fiercely stared back at you. Although he still had that look of everlasting disapproval on his face represented by the slight curl in his upper lip, his eyes held an ounce of softness that you never noticed there before. You felt a slight ache in your chest as you stared back, remembering how it felt to be held by him. To have him hold you as if his life depended on it. As if he truly needed you. You had never felt anything like it before. Though he had grown slimmer within the last month, his arms were still strong. Safe. You looked away when the yearning to be held by him grew.

"I was chosen for this, so I have to go through with it no matter what. One way or another, I have to. If I don't Obliviate you... You'll get caught up in this." Draco continued as you felt his gaze, his eyes desperately trying to read your face.

The gears within your mind started churning again. What had you gotten yourself into? Were you really willing to put yourself at risk by putting in your lot with him under the circumstances he was under? Were you okay with associating with him despite the fact that he was a Death Eater being forced to try and kill one of the most powerful wizards? Would you be able to stand idly by while he did it?

Come What May || Draco X Reader (18+)Where stories live. Discover now