Izuku Midoriya

472 18 6

"I Like Your Style"

•third person

Training had been getting harder for (Y/n), and he wasn't keeping up too well. He knew he shouldn't wear his binder, but he couldn't take it off or everyone would find out. So, he tried to manage as best he could. Today, however, they were practicing hand to hand combat, no quirks.

That meant things were going to be difficult for (Y/n). He was paired with Katsuki Bakugo. Kastuki knew, they'd been best friends since childhood, but he wouldn't let up on (Y/n) just because of that. They walked onto the marked part of the field, getting ready for the fight ahead of them.

Some time and a lot of punching later, (Y/n) was struggling to breathe in the infirmary. The fight ended in a near draw, (Y/n) had caught Katsuki by surprise and threw him down. Katsuki, still being the less injured, took (Y/n) to the infirmary. As soon as katsuki left, (Y/n) was scolded for wearing his binder during the class.

He pulled it off and after being healed was told to rest until lunch, which meant he couldn't watch Izuku's fight, the teen had just learned how to stop hurting himself with his quirk. He groaned, "Can I- can I please go back? I- I feel... fine!" He gasped out, between heavy breaths. Recovery Girl sighed softly, shaking her head, "Alright, but take it easy." She opened the door, speaking to Katsuki before letting him help (Y/n) out of the room.

Their walk back to the field was almost completely silent, save for (Y/n)'s ragged breaths. "I can't fucking believe you, what? Are you- Are you trying to fucking impress him? What the fuck? You're putting yourself in danger, (n/n)!" Katsuki yelled suddenly.

He took a deep breath and continued, "Look, I get it, wanting a guy to like you is normal, but you and I both know, hurting yourself like that isn't worth it. I'm sorry I yelled at you but, you need to get a fucking grip, man." (Y/n) didn't know what to say, Katsuki knew? Did he know who it was? "I- I'm sorry Katsuki-" Katsuki stopped and turned to properly face (Y/n), "Look, if that damn nerd can't accept you the way you are, I'll- I'll fucking blast his damn head off, okay?" He looked concerned, and sounded sincere.

"Y- Yeah, okay. Thanks, Katsu." (Y/n) pulled his best friend into a hug. "And hey, if that dumb pebble doesn't like you, I'll fight him because you are such a catch and I'm so glad to be your friend."

Once they were back with the others, it was Izuku's turn, He was fighting Eijiro. The pair watched, completely enthralled. Izuku won by a technicality, he'd pushed Eijiro out of bounds. After they parted ways, Izuku trudging to the infirmary, and Eijiro walking towards (Y/n) and Katsuki. Izuku was just as injured as Eijiro, but Eijiro just didn't want to go to the infirmary.

(Y/n) waved to his two friends and followed after Izuku. He stepped into the infirmary, smiling at Izuku, who was seated on one of the beds. "You were really good out there! I like your style. I just know you'll be the best hero. Don't tell Katsuki but I think you'll be even better than him!" Izuku laughed, "Thanks, you did amazing, yourself! I mean, You beat Kacchan!"

(Y/n) shrugged, "I know his weaknesses, just like he... knows mine." He thought back to earlier, he'd never put his binder back on. He looked down, sure enough, you could see his chest under his uniform, it was as obvious as it could be, he had on a loose compressing top, but it was there. "I guess that makes sense, I mean Ochaco and Shōto know mine, they use it- them against me all the time!"

Izuku laughed, thinking about his own best friends teasing him. (Y/n) nodded, "Yeah." He couldn't stop thinking about his chest, he liked down again, this time a rotten feeling bubbling in his stomach.

Izuku sat a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder, "Hey, (Y/n), are you okay? You look sick." Izuku looked concerned, and that made (Y/n) feel guilty. "What's wrong?" Izuku asked again. (Y/n) shook his head, "Don't- don't look at me- I- I'm disgusting. I'm not normal, I'm a disgrace! I-" he was cut off, "Hey, hey! You are perfect, you may not feel perfect but that's not your fault! You are not a monster, you're just a boy, a really cool one, at that. And guess what?"

Izuku pulled up his (gym?) uniform shirt, to show off a nude colored half-tank binder, "I like your style." Dropping good sorry back he opened his arms and pulled (Y/n) into a hug. "I really like you." (Y/n) laughed, "I really like you too." Izuku grinned into (Y/n)'s shoulder, "boyfriends?" (Y/n) nodded, "boyfriends!"

Extra (platonic) katsuki fluff:

"Katsukiiiiiiiii!!!!!" (Y/n) screamed, bursting into the explosive boy's dorm. He was sitting on his bed video chatting with someone. He said a quick, 'I'll call back in a minute' and hung up. He patted the part of his bed next to him, and (Y/n) sat there. He smiled, "What?" (Y/n) squealed, "Okay- okay- okay- okay, you won't believe this, guess what?"

Katsuki laughed at his friends voice cracking, "I don't know, tell me." (Y/n) took a deep breath before whispering, "I have a boyfriend." Katsuki was smiling almost as much at the boy next to him, "Really?" (Y/n) nodded excitedly, "Yeah! And the best part? He's just like me!!"

Katsuki was surprised by that, he'd have never guessed Izuku was trans. "Seriously? That's crazy!" (Y/n) flung himself into katsuki, who wrapped him into a hug, "Yeah, I'm so happy!" Katsuki chuckled softly, "Yeah, I bet."

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