Hitoshi Shinsou

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(idk what to do for a title lol)

After Mineta (hc as a trans girl-) dropped out of ua to become a clothes model (BABY GAP CLOTHES LMAOOOO) they needed someone to fill that spot in class 1-a. By the grace of the gods (or the power of his quirk), Hitoshi claimed that space. It had been a few weeks and [name] was far from used to seeing his boyfriend in the same class all day. He'd sometimes lose focus on Aizawa's lectures and just watch his boyfriend, distracted by the way his hair sat on his head and the sparkle in his eyes. He knew it was probably weird for their teacher, Aizawa probably felt awkward seeing [name] stare at Hitoshi for half the class. He couldn't help it!

Sometimes Hitoshi just looked so perfect, even with the heavy bags under his eyes and the dead look in his eyes that tried to hide his real emotions. It wasn't a stretch to say that [name] loved Hitoshi, and it was obvious to see that.

[name] woke up in the middle of the night to a disgusting surprise. He was in pain and he felt nauseous. He ran to the bathroom, yeah, you know the deal. It was 'red week' as a friend jokingly called it once to make light of the so-very-fun event for the two trans friends. He truly couldn't wait until he'd been on hrt long enough for that to go away. He groaned, taking something to numb the pain (probably tramadol) and curling up in his bed to go back to sleep.

The next day in class was difficult, to say the least, he was cramping and he felt like he was going to throw up; he hadn't eaten breakfast, he used that extra hour to slowly get ready that morning. He sat in class, resisting the urge to clutch his lower abdomen and just stared at Hitoshi, who seemed completely oblivious to his boyfriend's troubles.

when class broke for lunch, [name] was pulled aside by Mic, "Are you doing okay, you look like you're in pain or something..." He nodded, "I'm fine!" The blonde-haired teacher looked very concerned, "Are you sure?" The teen nodded his head, grinning nervously. The skeptical instructor was reluctant but he let the student go with a gentle reminder- surprisingly gentle with that of his loud and harsh nature- saying, "Don't feel hesitant to tell any of us if you aren't doing alright, we do care about the health of our students." And with that, Hizashi was gone.

[Name] trudged on, making his way to have lunch. Sitting down next to Hitoshi, the indigo-haired mindfucker interrogated him, "Are you alright? Why'd you stay back?" [name] didn't respond, he didn't even look up from his food. Hitoshi kept speaking, "[Name], is something wrong?" [name] looked up at him with a forced smile, "I'm fine, don't worry about it." He looked back down at his food, picking at it once again. Hitoshi was slightly aggravated by that response, he knew it was a lie.

He decided not to push for an answer, it wasn't actually his business if the short bitch didn't want to tell him. He kept away from the subject, still trying to have a conversation with [name]. Throughout their lunch together, [name] only gave short and vague responses to anything Hitoshi said and/or asked. As soon as lunch had ended, [name] was gone, he didn't even say goodbye.

Hitoshi didn't have another chance to speak to him that day.

Sitting on the floor in the middle of his dorm room at 3:03 am, was not normal for [name]- despite popular belief- but then again, what was? This was supposed to be more of Hitoshi's thing, rather than [name]s. Well, all that mattered now was that [name] was awake and it was because of these stupid ass cramps that he couldn't sleep his problems away.

Finally fed up with just sitting around at 3 in the morning, he slipped out of the door and into the hall towards the elevator. Clutching his abdomen, [name] stood uncomfortable waiting for the doors to open. Once they closed, he slumped against the wall of the ride as it slowly descended.

Stepping out, he crossed over to the kitchen and started to search for something to eat that sounded good. After searching through the cabinets and cupboards,[name] determined that he wasn't hungry. So, he just settled for making tea. He set the water on the stove to boil and went to pull out his phone. He only then realized that he left it in his room.

Feeling even worse now, he slowly just sat on the kitchen floor and curled up into a small ball. He hated this. He hated all of this. Why couldn't he just be normal? Why couldn't he? Slowly he could feel the tears start to slip down his face.

Then the kettle let out a light whistle. Wiping the tears from his face, [name] stood and walked slowly to the boiling water. Setting a tea bag in a cup, he poured some water in. He left the rest to be reheated by someone else in the morning. He mulled over the choice of taking the heated drink to his room and hiding again or settling onto the floor of the commons.

He reluctantly chose the latter, realizing he didn't want to get back into the elevator, the movent from before still making him feel nauseous. He waddled with the tea, into the commons area, sitting on the floor and staring at the ceiling. "You look like you could use some company." He was admittedly startled but not very surprised. He nodded, not making eye contact with his boyfriend, instead, reaching for his tea, to drink some of it.

He felt the taller teen sit next to him and [name] felt more comfortable from his presence alone. Hitoshi set a hand on [name]'s thigh, "Do you wanna tell me what's up now? It's fine if you don't, I just want to know how to make you feel better." He shrugged, glancing down at the hand, "It's weird and gross, I doubt you wanna hear about it."

Sure, the two had been a couple for more than a few weeks but Hitoshi had been in a completely different course, they didn't spend nearly as much time together, so the indigo-hair idiot had never actually experienced his boyfriend during this time.

"I honestly don't care how weird or gross it is, if it's an issue for you, I want to know about it, I want to know how to help." Hitoshi responded, casually but seriously. [name] leaned into his boyfriend's shoulder, he knew he had to tell him. "I don't think I've told you but I haven't stopped yet-" He half mumbled, awkwardly beating around the bush.

Hitoshi seemed to understand that, somehow, "And that's what's happening right now?" [name] nodded, climbing into his boyfriend's lap and burying his face into Hitoshi's chest, the almost finished tea forgotten once again.

"Honestly, you could've just told me, there's nothing wrong with that, it's not like I have any right to judge you for it." Hitoshi laughed a little, running his hands through his boyfriends' hair. [name] felt himself getting tired, with the comforting feeling of the hand in his hair. He felt like he was drifting off to sleep as he mumbled a quiet, 'I love you'. He was so tired he almost didn't hear the 'I love you, too', but he did and it made him happy.

|| this was a request from @the_mac_and_cheezits (idk if it's tagging you or not) I hope you liked it? sorry if it isn't what you wanted lol, I tried (and I got help from my thot of a friend IShipItLikeFedExDoes tysm ily) ||

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