Shōto Todoroki

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A Bitter Boy Like Him

Sometimes (Name) wondered if ua really had been a good idea for him, his quirk was glitching. That's all; he could glitch himself and other things, anything, he touched. How'd that get him into class 1-a? He wasn't sure. What he was sure of was that he needed to catch up and soon.

Sitting at his table during lunch one afternoon, he recalled that morning. He had a short conversation with Shoto, who offered to train with him after school everyday. He, of course, accepted, seeing as he had a crush on the guy. They'd agreed to start today, as soon as classes ended. Which meant (name) couldn't run back to the dorms to take off his binder.

That would definitely cause some problems.

Classes ended quicker than they started and (name) was following the Todoroki boy to one of the (multiple) training arenas. Once there Shoto laid down some ground rules and explained what they'd do. (name) processed the information and confirmed that he understood. Shoto took his starting position and (Name) followed suit.

The training battles were going well, they'd have several per training session and they began ending in difficult draws. After a week, they'd started having conversations as they fought,which admittedly made them a bit closer in itself. After a month of training sessions, (name) came to the conscious realization that Shoto had stolen his heart and he couldn't get it back.

He knew he'd have let the icy-hot teen know he was harboring the heart but he didn't know how Shoto would feel about that. He didn't want to have his heart thrown around and stomped on by a boy who didn't like him back. So instead, he bottled that crap up because we love bad coping mechanisms. He knew that would only make things worse, but he didn't care.

Today had been very eventful, (name) had accidentally glitched to the roof mid class, aizawa wasn't a fan of that, then glitched through the floors and into Present Mic's engilsh classroom, who found it funny that the teen was having quirk spasms, and he was taken to the infirmary by an upperclassman who was joking about her situation to him. After the golden haired girl left (name) alone in the infirmary he cried until someone sedated him.

Now he was out of the infirmary and standing in front of Shoto, who was overwhelming him with questions. (Name) threw his hands up, "STOP!" He shouted, his voice cracking, tears falling down his face and his entire body glitching. Shoto stepped back, "I just want to know what's going on with you!" He shouted back, not nearly as loud, "You've been distant for the past two weeks!"

(Name) sighed, he'd have to just admit it, "I- I don't want you to hate me." Shoto looked mildly bewildered, "Why would I hate you?" (Name) sniffled, "You'll hate me because I like you but you don't like me that way." Shoto furrowed his eyebrows, "That's not true-" (Name) cut Shoto off, "Yes it is! I like you but you don't like me and it's going to ruin everything!" Shoto laughed, which confused (name) enough to make him stop crying, "(Name), I really like you, I was talking to Izuku in the commons about it a few weeks ago and I thought you were upset over that because I saw you walk in halfway through the conversation!"

(Name) scoffed, "I thought you were telling him that you knew I liked you and you weren't sure how to tell me you didn't like me back!" Shoto laughed, a small smile breaking on his face, "I guess we were both jumping to conclusions." (Name) giggled, "Yeah, I guess." Shoto chuckled, "You're adorable." (Name) huffed, "And you're an asshole, shut up." He whined. Shoto snorted, "Right sorry, my boyfriend is a very masculine manly man." And that made the now flustered teen pout even more.

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