Denki Kaminari

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"The Post That Said Everything"

•[Name]'s pov•

I was sitting in class, still wishing I had gotten into ua, when my phone vibrated in the pocket of my jeans. I pulled it out discreetly, the teacher was facing the board but I didn't want to take any chances. I turned it on and before unlocking it i noticed the notification was from tumblr. I unlocked because it must be good, I only have post notifs on for a few blogs. It's from denki? He doesn't usually post during class, this must be interesting, I thought, thumbing in my lock code.Tumblr opened to a long text post, and I'm struck with confusion. Denki never makes long posts, definitely not this long. In order to have more time to read it, I excuse myself from class. The teacher lets me go after telling me she won't catch me up when I return, so I'll have to come in after class. I walk to the bathroom, locking myself in a stall. Sitting on the ground, I turned my phone back on and read the post.

"" okay so, there's this person, an irl mutual of mine, and I really like him. I've been scared to tell him because I don't want to ruin our friendship. I just wanna tell him how adorable he is ngl, his hair is really floppy and it falls into his face and that makes him really mad and it's adorable to see. I love spending time with him, he's electric to be around, and that's coming from ME. His sense of humor is just like mine, which is always a beautiful thing. He doesn't get upset when I'm twenty minutes late to hang out because I couldn't find my jacket (unlike some people >.>) He's been helping me with my quirk outside of school, even though we don't go to the same school. He's really passionate and determined too, when it comes to everything, like the first time he played dance dance, he out played me by a lot, and I'm really good at ddr. He's such a good friend and he's really cute, but it's not like I could tell him any of this smh ""

He likes someone? The thought ran through my head, I had no idea who. Classes were almost over for the day, I could talk to him, I realized, while clicking to power button to put my phone to sleep before slipping back into my pocket. I stared at the wall trying to figure out who denki liked, I would've assumed Hanta but they went to the same school. I sighed and got up, leaving back to my last class of the day. As soon as it was over, I rushed out, already packed up to leave. I texted denki, You up to hang? He immediately said yes, so I typed a quick, meet me at the park and hurried home to drop off my stuff. I made it to there first because denki was coming from ua and I was coming from my house.

I was waiting on a swing when he showed up. I waved him over, "Denkiiiiii!!!" He smiled, honestly, his smile is so adorable, and ran over, joining me on the swings. "Hey, [Name], what's up?" I laughed, "Just wanted to spend time with my friend!" He glanced at the ground for a moment but I brushed it off. "Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I like someone and I'm thinking about telling them!" His face changed to one of disappointment for a moment before melting into excitement, "That's great, do I know them?" I nod, "I'm not telling you who! Do you like anyone?" I wiggled my eyebrows jokingly and he laughed, his cheeks flushed. "No, I- I don't, that's crazy, I don't have time for that." I furrowed my eyebrows, "Yet you have time to hang out with me every day?" His face was still red, he nodded, "Well, yeah. You're my best friend, not- not some stupid crush."

His phone vibrated, stealing the conversation. He pulled it out and checked the notification, moments after unlocking his phone, he gasped. "Holy fuck-" he fell backwards off the swing. "Are you okay?" He glanced over to me, mulch caking his hair, "You saw the post, didn't you?" I nodded, "Who is it? I can get you two together!" He shook his head, getting more mulch into the blonde mess on his head. "He doesn't like me and I'm okay with that. He deserves better anyway." I scoffed, "Better than THE Denki Kaminari? There's no way."

This time my phone went off, and I checked it, a message from Hanta, "You saw denki's post right?" I shot back a 'yeah'. His response was "He's talking about you." I dropped my phone. I was shocked, I had never thought about the possibility that denki liked me. Denki must've heard the soft thud of my phone lodging itself into the mulch, because he sat up and stared at me.

"You okay?" He asked. I laughed, I can't help it, I get hysterical and I fall off the swing, that stops my laughter.. Denki crawls over, I'm assuming to see if I'm alright. I grab the front of his shirt and pull his lips to mine and we kiss. I'm not as surprised when he kisses back as he probably was by the kiss. He breaks away after a moment and I smile, breathing out a short laugh. He bites his lips, "So, I'm assuming you know?" I laugh, "You're not as dumb as you look." He huffs, "That's mean!" I sit up as he sits back, "Do you wanna be my boyfriend?" I ask, Ignoring his complaint. He smiles, "Hell yeah!" I take his hand and help him stand up. We walk back to my house together.

Bonus fluff !!!!

My boyfriend and I were sitting on my bed and I was brushing his hair out, it was still full of mulch, dirt and grass. We had been listening to music and singing along but Denki paused it, "So, who told you?" I sat the brush on the table and shrugged, "Someone-" I refused to answer him. Denki turned around and threw himself at me, knocking the both of us down against the bed, "Who was it? It was Mina right? Damnit!" I shook my head, "No! it was Hanta!" Denki sat upright, straddling my hips, "Are you serious?" I nodded and he huffed, "That asshole!" I laughed and pulled him into my chest in a hug, "So would you rather I didn't know?" He sighed and shook his head, "No.." He whined. I smiled, "Alright then, You should probably thank him instead, I know I will."

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