Minoru Mineta

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Kitchen sink

""I'm a kitchen sink, you don't know what that means because a kitchen sink to you is not a kitchen sink to me "" -Tyler Joseph

Minoru had done some pretty dumb shit in the past but he didn't know what he did to upset his best friend, [Name]. His friend of four years just cut him off, and that left him with no one. He knows he did something because, after class one day, Denki walked past him and only scoffed out a "What you did to [Name] was so not cool, man." He had no idea what he did though and it confused him, he tried to think of something but he was nothing short of nice to [Name]. It had been at least two weeks at this point and he was a mess, loneliness does that to a person.

The purple-haired midget noticed someone had been glaring at him recently. That someone? Ochaco Uraraka. He decided to talk to her about it and with a huff, she said, "You upset [Name], so I hate you even more now." He tried to ask why, but she wouldn't tell him.

One week and 10,000 glares later, Ochaco gave in. She told Minoru to meet her in the common room at 1:00.

He arrived to see Ochaco in a cat hooded onesie and wrapped in a thick blanket (cold winter weather). She patted the carpet in front of her, and he sat there. "I can tell you really care about [Name], I'll tell you what, If you promise to confess your feelings to him, I'll tell you how you upset him." MInoru nodded with his face as bright and red as Rudolph's nose.

Ochaco giggled clapping her hands together, "Okay!" she was suddenly serious again, "[Name] likes you, and he figured you were straight so he decided to back off, I tried to stop him but he didn't listen to me." she shrugged softly before standing up. "You're gonna talk to him right?" Minoru nodded, "Yeah- yeah." She pulled him up, "Okay, It's cold, let's go make hot chocolate!" And she pulled him into the kitchen.

Now here he was, standing outside of [Name]'s dorm at Too Early In The Morning o'clock on a Saturday. He was finally in his pajamas (also a onesie, but a bear onesie) and he was about to knock when the door opened. It didn't open completely and that confused Minoru, and then he remembered [Name] telling him about how he broke his door with his quirk. He peeked his head through the crack and saw it.

His friend was tugging a binder over his head, a grey half tank, he noted, not finding his pre-existing knowledge of the subject weird. He was planning to softly close the door and leave but [Name] turned around before he could and screamed. He just fucking screamed. That alarmed Minoru, who in turn slammed the door shut after practically jumping out of his skin.

He turned to escape to his dorm but was stopped, two hands grabbing him and picking him up. Turning his head, he saw a now dressed [Name] in a black t-shirt and sweats. "I'm not gonna tell anyone, I swear!!!!" Minoru whined softly. [Name] shook his head, "I don't care, we need to talk."

They were sitting on the floor of [Name]'s room, "Why were you spying on me?" Minoru sighed, what a way to come out, "I wasn't spying on you, I was about to knock, but the door opened on its own!" The taller boy rolled his eyes, "Why should I believe that? You probably found out I was trans and you were spying on me to try and see something!" Minoru sighed, this was not how he wanted to confess his feelings.

"I was coming over to tell you that I liked you because I realized I couldn't live with myself if I didn't, even though you clearly don't like me back. I had no idea you were trans, I had just kinda assumed that you're cis?" [Name]'s eyes drifted shut as he leaned back on his hands, "Oh. I- I'm sorry for getting upset, the truth is, I really like you mino, I just— I saw you outside my door and I was scared that you'd only like me because you found out that I was a girl."

Minoru winced, "You are NOT a girl, you never have been and you never will be, you have always been [Name] and that's a fact." That made [Name] smile, he opened his eyes and grabbed Minoru, pulling him into a hug and kissing him. He laughed after they broke apart, "You're tiny Minoru, has anyone told you that?" Minoru pouted, "I'll break your kneecaps." [Name] shrugs, "Time to brag about my boyfriend!" He scooped Minoru up and ran out of his room, on his way to wake up the rest of 1-a while carrying Mino bridal style.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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