Connor, the Android sent by CyberLife

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I Think I Understand

"Could you… Explain it… one more time, (Name)?" He asks, running a hand through the human's hair. The pair had known each other since before Connor became deviant. The android was asking him how being transgender worked seeing as it wasn't put in his programming when he was made. The head in his lap, belonging to a whole body, laughed.

(Name) nodded, his smile growing, "Of course, Connor." He took a calming deep breath, "So when a human is born, based on their chromosomes, XY and XX, they're assigned male or female respectively. Sometimes the human is born with a set of chromosomes that differ from their mind. like me, I was born with XX chromosomes but an XY brain!" He explained briefly.

Connor hummed, "So because of that, the person goes through surgeries? Like you did?"  (Name) nods, "Yeah, just like I did." (Name) had just gotten top surgery, and he had a paid vacation for recovery. Things were pretty slow at work so Hank sent Connor to the resting man, to make sure he was alright. So here he was, chilling in his living room with his android boyfriend.

Connor wanted to ask a question, but he wasn't sure he wanted the answer. He figured he already knew it anyway, logically speaking, so he didn't bother, instead opting for mumbling, "I don't understand the problem with people who are dealing with that…" (Name) felt a blush cross his face, he was glad that there was someone who completely accepted him.

Connor was very intrigued by the process of transitioning from female to male, and the other way around. He'd been curious enough to ask if he could join on (Name)'s appointment to get his drains removed two weeks later. The sweet boy let him, how else was he going to learn more about it, as (Name) reasoned.

Connor was just as surprised as (Name) when the surgeon removed the bandages and cotton gauze. The results were astounding and he couldn't have dreamed of a better looking chest, as he explained the care instructions, Connor asked a million questions, and with approval, the surgeon answered all of them. The only answer he wasn't expecting was for a question he never asked.

On the way back (Name) tossed his head into the steering wheel, "I still have to get bottom surgery." He lamented to no one in particular. But his complaint didn't fall on deaf ears, Connor heard and was definitely going to do something about it. 

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