Katsuki Bakugou

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Title: 'Bakugo'

Getting into UA was hard enough and staying there was just as hard, at least for (Name), that is. His quirk? The same as his twin brother's: copy. They usually worked together (They plan to be a hero duo in the future) but Neito completely ditched him in the entrance exams. They still both ended up in 1-b, probably because they hadn't worked together.

(Name) often interacts with 1-a students, like his brother, but definitely not in the same way as Neito. (Name) is friends with most of 1-a, but that's where his troubles start. He accidentally told his friend Eijiro (Kirishima) about his crush on a certain boy with explosive sweat. The red head told him to go for it but he couldn't possibly force himself into that conversation. And that leads to today, (Name) and his brother were told they be moved up to 1-a, two students left the school, switching to a different one, one in America. The pair wasn't told why but they were told who it was. Mezo (Shoji) and Mashirao (Ojiro) transferred with almost no notice to their classmates.

They were moved to the 1-a dorms and welcomed warmly by the rest of their classmates- though it was mostly towards (Name), Neito wasn't too happy about the change. They settled into their dorms (unfortunately on the girls side) which were right next to each other. (Name) ran into his twin's dorm the second he was finished in his own, "Neeeeeeitooooooo!!!" The younger twin whined to his brother who sat on the bed. Neito looked up in confusion, "What, (n/n)?" The boy flopped onto his brothers bed with a groan, "boyssssss." Things like this happened a lot, whenever (Name) had issues, he worked through them with his slightly older twin (and secretly favorite sibling).

Neito nodded in understanding, he had his own boyfriend, and he had a damn time catching him. "Okay, who is it this time?" He had a pretty decent grasp on his little brother's type and you can beat your cheeks he was surprised by the response he got, "Katsuki Bakugo...." (Name) mumbled, earning a look from the blonde that made him laugh, "I know. I know, 'what the hell (n/n), Katsuki? Really? Are you okay?' Well, fu-- you too, Neito." Neito gasped, "Wow, okay, don't take it that hard. It's just different, okay?" Neito paused to put his words together and smiled a bit, "I think you two might be good for eachother, but do you even know if he's straight or not?" (Name) nodded happily, that made him think back to earlier that month. So he explained.

(Name) woke up bright and early, he and a few of his 1-b friends were going to join most of 1-a and a few other students in going to a pride parade. They all met in front of the school, a total of around 28 teens and walked to the parade. He noticed someone who he didn't know was coming, his crush, Katsuki. He was drowning in bi pride and it made (Name)'s heart hurt, in a happy way. He totally had a chance now. His best friend, Eijiro, noticed his bouncing and silent cheering and questioned it. Caught off guard, he explained to the redhead that he'd been crushing on katsuki for like forever and he just found out the guy's bi. Eijiro laughed at him, finding the boy's obliviousness amusing.

Netio laughed at the story, "Okay, are you going to talk to him them?" (Name)'s face burned red and he screamed, "NO!" he took a breath, "That's terrifying, why would I talk to him about it? Why would I tell him? That's just crazy talk." As soon as he finished talking there was a knock on Neito's door. Neito answered it and immediately shot his twin a look. (😏) He said something to whoever knocked before closing the door almost completely. The blonde haired brother offered a sly smirk, "(Name), he's here for you." He casually said before plopping back onto the bed. (Name) hesitantly stood and walked over to the door.

The moment he opened it he was met fec to face with none other than Katsuki Bakugo. He stood there resting his weight on his left leg, he wasn't wearing anything special, just a dark grey sweatshirt and grey joggers, but that's Katsuki for you. His eyes looked tired but (Name) could tell he was nervous. After a brief moment, he spoke, "Hey, wanna go out today?" It was casual, too casual, but (Name) still knew what he meant. Katsuki Bakugo just asked him out on a date. He smiled a bit and nodded, "Totally." (Name) glanced back at his twin who just winked before waving. They walked downstairs together, ignoring Neito's comment, "HEY, (n/n), USE PROTECTION!" and the snickers and giggling from the surrounding dorm rooms. "Your brother is annoying, how can you stand him?" (Name) shrugged, only saying, "I don't even know sometimes." They both laughed at that, as they left the dorms.

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