The Beginning Of A Tale...

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The chocolate brown blazer still hung perfectly ironed in her hanger. The maroon skirt was still neat and the shirt and the cream colored half-cardigan looked like as if it was just back from the laundry. But the brown school overcoat was crumpled and thrown in a corner of the huge closet and the maroon bow she wore on the last day of school was tucked safely in the pocket of the overcoat.

She sighed heavily....6 years had already passed since she passed out from school. She was no longer a care free, short tempered 18 year old. She was now a matured 24 year old woman with a lot of responsibilities burdening her. But the biggest burden for her had been carrying the name, first her fathers and now her husband.

Now speaking of her husband, she knew he loved her.....but being married to one of the richest man on Earth whose company made profits of millions every second hour for two years now, it was as if everything -every obstacle they passed, every victory they celebrated together, meant nothing.....

That was one reason she had come home, come to Japan to spend her weekends .

Kang Yura, for the first time in her life, felt lethargic....not because her flight from Korea to Japan was tiring, but because she couldn't remember the last time she'd taken a break . She found it suffocating in the environment she lived in currently. For not only was she married to the youngest billionaire, Kim Hanbin, owner of Comfo Global, but she was also a prominent businesswoman of the era, having being termed as one the most influential woman of the year by Chosun Ilbon, Korea.

Of course, Hanbin was a great husband and she had no problem adjusting to her new life. But seeing Hanbin so busy and lost in his own world, Yura knew that their so called "Fairytale Wedding" had crashed down into reality.

Thinking of their wedding always made her smile. After knowing each other for almost 12 years and dating for 8 , she and Hanbin had finally tied the knots in one of his private island in the Pacific. Only the closest friends and families were invited and the congregation to witness their wedding consisted of more than a hundred people. Hanbin & Yura had refused to recite the usual boring vows and had made their own.

Inspite of practicing her lines more than a thousand times before the wedding, Yura feared stuttering in front of the crowd. She remembered her vows very well till this day.

She had said, "Kim Hanbin, the man who has had the patience to bear with all of my short comings, to whom I owe a lifetime of gratitude for saving my skin everytime I found myself in trouble, the man who has loved me all these years and accepted me the way I am, I admit that I'm lucky to get married to such a wonderful man........ and I vow to remain by your side for eternity - in sickness and in health, for better or for worse and I promise that I'll continue to love you till my last breath.."

Yura still loved Hanbin but........... she was breaking most of her vows.... she was running round and round, trying to hide from the reality that she and Hanbin had grown apart. She found herself wondering whether Hanbin even remembered the vows he had made on their wedding day.

They had, had a "Fairytale Wedding"... but they had suddenly lost their 'happily ever after' ... and unlike other fairytales, their story didn't begin with a "once upon a time in a far away land ....." instead it began like began with her recollecting the memories.

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