Waking Up To Another Sunny Day

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"Yura.....Ireona (Wake Up)! Someone's here to see you." An annoyingly familiar voice gently informed her, gently tugging her quilt.

"Buzz Off Hanbin!" she sleepily replied, pushing Hanbin away.

"Chakaman! Hanbin!" (Wait! Hanbin!) she thought, before opening her eyes, bewildered.

"You.....you came!" she exclaimed, sitting up straight.

"Yes  I did come...Yamamoto is waiting outside with your breakfast......I guess it'll be awkward if I open the door" Hanbin replied

Yura shrugged and stated, "No,it wont!"

Hanbin nodded and opened the door.

Yamamoto, the trusted butler of the Kang Mansion entered with the breakfast trolley.

"Miss Yura, your breakfast consisting of black tea, French toasts and fruit salad and Sir Hanbin your's consisting of your black coffee and normal toast" Yamamoto stated, unveiling the dishes.

"Well, Sir Won Bin (Yura's Dad) has asked me to inform you that Miss Jennie will be coming to visit you both this afternoon and then Miss Yura and Sir Hanbin you are supposed to host the party for Sir Seo Jun and Miss Jennie's upcoming marriage this afternoon." Yamamoto informed and courteously took his leave.

"He sure is stuck up with the titles and the formality." Hanbin remarked closing the door.

Yura smiled and sipped on her tea.....Nothing tasted better than tea in the morning.

"So when did you arrive?" Yura asked

Hanbin sat beside her ( actually a little far from beside since he sat at the edge of her bed ) and taking a bite of his toast replied, "Yesterday......I mean early in the morning today while you were sleeping."

"Oh...... and how come you landed up in my room?" Yura asked, embarrassed as well as a bit suspicious.

"Well Seo Jun hyung came to receive me...Even Chi Hoon hyung was there. And he was.......suspicious. So on reaching here, I thought that asking for a spare room would be......something that'd arise questions so  I.....Well that's how I landed up in your room.....But I SWEAR  I slept on that chair." Hanbin 'stutteringly' replied, pointing at Yura's former study table and chair.

Yura laughed on hearing this while Hanbin stared  at Yura because of her sudden outburst.

It had been a long time since both of them had shared a friendly conversation....Not even in his wildest dreams had Hanbin imagined to be interacting with Yura once again in a proper manner in an awkward situation like this. Unknowingly he grinned – not a plastic smile – but actually grinned his old, charming boyish, carefree grin and to his utter most embarrassment Yura looked at him.

Hanbin was shocked.

"Wait!" Yura stated before Hanbin could regain his demeanor.

"Grin again!" she teased.

"No......I will not! I mean I didn't grin at the first place itself." Hanbin protested.

"Yes you did." Yura stated

"No I didn't" Hanbin replied grinning

"See you're grinning again" Yura said, laughing and Hanbin joined her laughter.

Suddenly both of them stopped laughing and there was an awkward silence between them.

"Hanbin-ah.....ummm....your coffee.......it's getting cold" Yura indicated awkwardly.

"Yeah.." Hanbin replied sipping down his coffee.

"So......." Yura began but she was out of words.

"So?" Hanbin asked

"How's Ommonim (Mother)?"

"Omma's fine.....she's in Hawaii with Aunt Sooyoung and her daughter, Soojung."

"Oh! Soojung and her mother together on a vacation? Surprising!"

"Yeah....But Aunt Sooyoung....although she's too full of herself, she's a good human being.....And Soojung, well....Aunt Sooyoung is her mother so it's normal for them to get along no matter how much they differ in personalities..."

Yura smiled at his answer.

"And what about Dan?" Yura asked.

Hanbin grimaced at her question. He swallowed the lump in his throat before answering, "Dan......he's dead"

Yura was stunned. "How.....How did Dan...?" she stammered.

Hanbin wished he didn't have to answer it.

"After you left.....I shifted to my penthouse and....and while taking my car out of the garage.....I didn't see that Dan was following me......I killed him..." Hanbin confessed. Yura continued staring at him with glassy eyes.

"Yura-ah jeongmal mianhae (I'm really sorry)" Hanbin said but Yura didn't utter a word.

"Yura-ah...I....I.." before Hanbin could complete his sentence, Yura asked him, "Why didn't you tell me about it Hanbin?"

"Because....because I didn't want to upset you." Hanbin replied.

Yura looked at him again before her tears started running down her cheeks.

Hanbin got up from his position, walked upto Yura and gave her a warm hug.

"I'm extremely sorry Yura-ah." he muttered.

Yura cried and said something like "gwenchana (it's okay)" which was quite unclear thanks to her breaking voice and Hanbin's shirt.

For the first time this week, after Yura moving out and Dan's death, Hanbin felt that he wasn't lonely. Maybe it was because of the fact that he was hugging Yura, maybe it was because they were both in an emotional turmoil and maybe he was wrong......but he felt something he didn't feel in a long time .....that he was happy and she was HERE.......Maybe waking up to another Sunny Day with her around was something he'd have difficulty with forgetting after everything would be over

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