Finalising The Final Goodbye

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"Don't you dare continue with your 'I'm innocent' talk!" Yura thundered.

"Like I said, it isn't exactly like what the tabloids are showing." Hanbin replied.

"Hell to do with you and you're excuse! For heaven's sake Hanbin, just for once could you exactly tell me why in the world did you have to roam around the streets of Osaka with Hime when I was in Osaka itself?"

"You know what Yura? I'm a free citizen of a democratic country and I don't think that I need to explain my each and every action to you"

"Yeah you are correct.......but if you wanted your bloody affair to get publicized, why in the world did you chose the place I'd gone to?"

"Affair? You are the one whose been having it with that worthless-piece-of-shit Yura...... Don't act like I don't know whats going on between you and Taehyung..."

"Oh please! Do tell me what's going on between me and Taehyung? Seriously Hanbin, I never thought that you could stoop so low and let your imagination run THIS wild.."

"What the hell do you think Yura? I'm not the one whose imagination is running wild......."

"Yeah you're correct Hanbin - MY IMAGINATION IS RUNNING WILD! After seeing all those articles about your little get away with Hime, I can't help it"

"You read it on articles......But I saw you and your V TOGETHER and that too at 'your' house......."

"Oh ! So that's what you've been doing? Stalking me?"

"Stalking you? Even if it were the LAST thing on Earth, I wouldn't do it....."

"Hanbin, you know what? I'm done with you and everything........I'm leaving" Yura finally stated.

There was a long silence before Hanbin spoke  saying, "Do as you wish....I'll send you the divorce papers as soon as everything gets settled and finalized. Besides I don't think I can stand around for much longer."

Yura's eyes widened. To say that she was shocked would be an understatement. She watched in silence Hanbin picking up his favorite navy blue tuxedo from Armani and leaving the room.

As soon as he left, Yura stumbled back into the chair where she had been sitting before the fight. Everytime they'd gotten into a fight before, Hanbin had always been the one saving their relation from the worse. But today it was Hanbin himself who'd brought up the divorce.

Yura sighed heavily and suddenly felt numb and sick as she realized that her fairy tale marriage was coming to an end.

Unwilling though, tears streamed down her face. They'd gone through stuffs worse that this, through bigger fights, through hopeless situations more hopeless than the current one, but they had ALWAYS managed to remain intact.

But this time, they had crumbled down. Yura, still shocked , managed to get her cellphone out of her pocket and dialed her closest confidante's number.

"Hello Jun-oppa? Just wanted you to know that I'm getting divorced......" Yura mumbled and as soon as she said this, her phone fell from her hand and she started crying.

What she didn't know that across the corridor, in the billiard's room, the billiards table was turned upside down and some of the mirrors were broken by Hanbin, and the same person, the man who had practically destroyed the room into a mess was disheveled hair and tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes, trying his best not to think about her and their past and instead focus on the upcoming divorce.

Saving All My Love For You (Kim Hanbin/B.I Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now