The Flashback Week (Day 1)

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"Frankly speaking I'd prefer spending the rest of my life in PRISON rather than have him around." Hanbin complained as Niel joined the gang for breakfast.

"Good Morning everyone......and especially to you, Yura, my Sweetheart." Daniel greeted.

Yura lost her appetite on hearing Niel's endearment word. But she was not the only one to lose her appetite. In the flash of a second, Hanbin stood up from his chair. 

"Like I've already better watch your tongue when you're addressing  MY WIFE .......Or else I swear you won't get a next time ." Hanbin literally growled.

Niel gulped. Seeing that Hanbin could just lash out his anger at Niel with the tableware around, Chi Hoon said, "Go easy boys!" trying to pacify the situation.

But Hanbin blind with anger left the breakfast table.

"Never thought Hanbin-ah would get this fired up." Suzy remarked

"I'll go and talk to him." Yura stated.

She hurriedly walked to their shared room.

"Come in" Hanbin finally replied after the fourth knock

"Gwenchana? (Are you okay?)" Yura asked, as soon as she entered the room before closing the door.

Hanbin did not reply he was still staring at the grand piano in Yura's room.

Yura had told him a long time back that her father had presented her mother with that piano on their first anniversary. The piano had actually been given to Seo Jun who eventually shifted it to Yura's room because of her growing love for music.

The grand piano was white in colour and was made by the finest artists from Vienna.

"You can play it............if you want to........the rooms are sound proof." Yura stated

"Its been like more than 8 years since I've last played it....." Hanbin replied.

Yura sat beside Hanbin and looked at him saying, "I remember the last time you was on our school farewell.....You played Canon D Major and I think you forgot the piece somewhere in the middle"

"No I did not" Hanbin protested

"C'mon I remember you 'nearly' messed it up."

"Okay fine......'nearly' messed it up.....But I didn't"

"Whatever! You still remember it?" Yura asked

"Remember what?" Hanbin asked

"The Farewell........

Flashback (8 years ago)

The last exam for the final semester had been Math for the Science & Commerce students and Sociology for those who took Humanities.

Yura's Calculus had gone not so well while Hanbin was pretty happy with his Accounts paper. So naturally Yura's mood hadn't been so good.

Hanbin had been trying his best to cheer her up. They were all at the School Hall, the soon to be "ex-form 12 " students were all dressed up for their school farewell party.

Yura was wearing a royal blue gown from Alexander McQueen. Her gown was a bit puffed and her cuffs were ending with an off white embroidered material. Her heels were studded black from Christian Louboutin. Hanbin looked stunning in his black tuxedo from Versace, and his usual disheveled look would make any girl's heart skip a beat or two.

It had been 2 years since Hanbin and Yura had been going out and after school ended they would be going to totally different parts of the globe.

Hanbin would be going to Harvard Business School while Yura was still deciding between Eton and Cambridge.

The farewell started with the traditional farewell song of the school. Jennie was crying, realizing that it was going to be the last time listening to the tune being played by the school orchestra.

Yura too had  a hard time controlling her emotions.

A speech was then made by the heads of the school. After concluding the speech it was met by a thunderous sound of applause.

The initial dance began. Hanbin and Yura were dancing when Hanbin said, "Yura-ah , can you give me a minute? I'll be back."

Before Yura could reply Hanbin had already disappeared in the crowd. Yura was shocked when she heard Hanbin announce, "Well although it isn't anywhere in the program list, but I'd like to dedicate this song to be precise to somebody who isn't exactly happy today......I just hope that your mood will lighten up a bit after this Yura."

He then began playing Canon D Major. Inspite of the bad day earlier, Yura smiled. Suddenly, Hanbin hit the wrong notes........ but only those familiar with the tune could find the fault. Yura could see Hanbin's surprised expression. Surprisingly enough, he did not stop playing the piano. And when he finally finished, he was met by a thunderous round of applause.

"I'm sorry for kinda messing it up in the middle..." Hanbin casually apologized to Yura, with his trademark grin plastered across his face.

Yura smiled on hearing this.
"That you did but you didn' t leave it there. I mean you finished your piece."  Yura remarked.

"Even if I had forgotten the whole thing, I'd still have ended it somehow.....because there's no way that I could leave something that's meant for you incomplete......" Hanbin replied as if it was the most obvious thing on earth.

Yura smiled. The moment was interrupted by the loud cheers Chris (form 12's head boy) received when he walked up to the stage to deliver his final speech for the farewell.

As per the tradition the head boy was supposed to deliver the vote of thanks on behalf of the entire form 12.

After giving his touching speech he walked down the stage, he was given a standing ovation and deafening round of applause............

Thus ended their 12 year old journey in the school......

Present Day

The nostalgic memory began fading away.

Hanbin stood up from his chair and walked up to the grand piano, he played the tune......

Yura was stunned to see Hanbin playing so flawlessly after years of giving up the piano.

His dialogue played in her mind, the dialogue he had told her on their farewell.......Maybe remembering the events from the past wasn't so bad afterall......

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