The Flashback Week (Day 2)

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"Its rude to just walk out from the breakfast table every other day just because you don't like seeing 'his' face you know." Yura growled angrily, as she gently shut the door behind her.

"Oh is it? Because my definition of rude is when that psycho freak of a guy crosses his limits by calling you names......." Hanbin growled back.

"WHY THE HELL DO YOU EVEN CARE?" she yelled the question out aloud.

Hanbin's face expressed irritation then anger then irritation again.

"You know what? I am not in the mood to fight nor am I here to answer your questions...." Hanbin finally replied, exiting the room.

Yura breathed out heavily and thought about the reason behind this argument. Finally, as she realized that both were equally at fault, the rage that'd engulfed her slowly began to fade.....she then walked towards the door to close it as Hanbin had left it open.

As she had just reached for the door knob, she saw the most hilarious sight.

Hanbin was running towards her direction and behind him, trailing him closely was, Niel, crying "Hanbin wait up!"

In the flash of a moment Hanbin entered the room and locked the door.

"YOU HAVE TO CURL YOUR HAIR!" Niel shouted from outside, "Poor me! I ran so hard and the rollers are right here with me."

Yura had a real hard time controlling her laughter. Hanbin looked horrified, Niel was horrifying and the whole situation was funny, stupid and horrible!

"I thought you were leaving." Yura sarcastically pointed. Hanbin gave her the "are-you-kidding me?" look before heading to her room's balcony.

As she saw him, head rested on the parapet and gaze directed towards the lush gardens of the manor, she was filled with so many memories.

Lying on ' her' bed, she tried her best to keep her from sleeping and also from remembering the past....


Yura and Hanbin were now in form 11. Yura and Chris were the head girl and head boy for the year.

Currently Yura and Hanbin were in the music room in the middle of a heated argument.

"Hanbin-ah how could you refuse the chance to be a member of the school basketball team? That also directly to the Senior Squad? Its a 'to die for' wish for most of the ALL the guys.......And I can't believe you rejected it!" Yura remarked in disbelief.

They were still together but Hanbin had been acting strange these days.

"Yura.......You want me to join the team BECAUSE I was offered Seo Jun hyung's position....You just want me to join so that I, and not Niel can fill your brother's position........" Hanbin retorted, lazily flipping through the music sheets.

"So? Wait...Don't tell me that you are afraid of Niel...." she challanged him.

For a brief moment, he met her graze. Then without speaking a word he got up and left the room.

Yura simply stared as he quietly exited the room. She thought of following him, but dropped the idea as soon as it entered her mind.

"That arrogant jerk!" Yura angrily thought and instead concentrated more in memorizing her new Debussy piece.

After a few minutes Chris barged into the room. Chris Marquen was one of the most straightforward person Yura had ever come across.

Chris and Yura had dated for a month back in the 8th grade. They had a mutual break up after realizing they were better off as just friends. 

"Hey Yura!" He greeted.

"Hey Chris!" She replied.

" okay?" He asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Yura asked, coming back to reality

"You......kinda zoned out .....By the way ......Congrats you finally found your "Mr Right" he said with a smile.

"What?" She asked, confused.

"C'mon Yura, forgot our deal - we were supposed to congratulate each other when we found somebody who 'deserved' us ?" Chris asked

"So? Its not like something happened and some perfect guy dropped into my life." Yura retorted.

"Geez that's mean Yura! I mean he totally ditched the basketball team because the guys on the team said shrewd stuffs about you, he does all the stuffs possible for you and you're still not giving him enough credit." Chris blurted out.

Although she knew whom Chris was referring to, she still asked, "He? Who he?" out of shock.

Chris stared at her in disbelief.

"Don't tell me  Hanbin didn't tell you about all this?! God! Someday he's sure to attain sainthood." Chris remarked.

They were interrupted by Ariana who was sent by Sir Derek since he had some work with Chris.

"Anyways Yura I'll catch up with you later." Chris said and left.

Once he left, Yura found herself heading towards the common-room, the one place Hanbin would be.

And of course he was there, in the common room which was empty since it was lunch time and almost everyone was enjoying themselves.

"We seriously need to talk." Yura said, causing Hanbin to turn around.

"I don't want to talk - Not while I'm eating." He replied in a 'I-don't-care' tone and continued munching on his grilled cheese sandwich.

"Will you just listen to me?" Yura thundered,snatching the sandwich from his hand.

"About what? Me joining the freaking team to take your brother's place and all the while  listen to those jerks passing comments about you?" He snapped back.

"Why do you even care? You are to live for yourself and what others have to say about me doesn't bother me! So why the hell does it bother you?" She yelled

"Because I Love You and whether it bothers you or not it bothers me.......And that too a lot." He yelled back.

End of Flashback

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