Why the Park is so great.

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Well... I sorta just left this world off at one house... and you were probably all thinking, "How is this world good?"
Anyways, After building that house, my sister and I thought: maybe let's start a town?
So we began more houses, and changed into a variety of different skins to pretend to be different people living there.
My sister had this great OC named Michael, who was married to my OC, who was actually my cats name) Bugsy.
They also had two kids: Sophie and Tatania (I was young then! I was cute and loved to play!)
Anyways, everyday, we would make at least one new building which added up to an awful lot of buildings.
By early 2018 (3 years after it was created) I had two mansions, a castle, a giant remake of Big Ben (which I turned into the world's logo for some reason) many tiny houses, and the whole map literally filled up so we had no room to build!
The saddest day came when we were turning on our Xbox to go into the world... and the Xbox broke.
Some friends leant us their old Xbox, and I was happy because I had saved the world onto my 'special USB' so I could play in it.
But it turned out that the world was saved onto the USB, but not the profile it was on for some reason, so our work was gone.
We then got an Xbox One S, But it was never the same as that old Xbox.
Also, around late 2016, when we started noticing the Park was getting full, we created a The Park 2, with a huge pet hotel, vet, train system, Big Ben, mansion and lots more. Then on my friend's Xbox (after they leant it to us after ours broke) we created The Park 3, which was actually pretty awesome.
(I won't go into too much detail, but we made a giant rail track that went through the ENTIRE flat world.)
Then, when I got my phone, I created the Park 4, which luckily I still have today. It's the only saved The Park version there is.
I will go into more detail on another part.

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