Wool Worlds

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When my sister was like, 2 or 3, me and her would go on the Xbox, create a brand new flat world and start constructing houses out of wool.
Please don't ask us why!!
Anyways, here are some of my best wool worlds!

This isn't exactly a complete wool world, but I had this giant mansion, and my sister had this wool hotel that went way up to the building limit. It had two rooms on each floor, each room with its own different colour or pattern.

Another wool place example was in my The Park world.
While the entire world wasn't built out of wool, it definitely had its many wool houses/ buildings.
I'm pretty sure the wool era ended in that world. Anyway, I want to talk about this weird obstacle course thing that I made.
At the front, there was a giant black board with 'Bugsy's land of fun' lettered in glow stone. (Bugsy is my cat's name).
The was also a small cat statue at the top for commentators to stand on.
When you entered, there was a bunch of dinosaur statues that you needed to dodge.
Then, you strolled through a flower meadow, where you weren't allowed to touch the tulips.
Next was a freaky haunted house.
After you exited the house, there is a giant zombie statue that spits out fish you need to avoid.
Next, you go through Candy land, and you do a lollipop themed parkour.
Then, you jump in the 'chocolate river' where you swim past a cage with a villager named after my old chocolate loving teacher.
Next was 'the boring teenager room' and the black maze (really just a black tunnel).
You had to climb a jungle tree (in which I had so conveniently placed ladders upon).
Then you jumped off into a tiny pool of water.
Next, you walked along to some weird red stoned fence gates, which you had to run through without getting stuck.
Then there was the same with a door.
One of the last obstacles was a rail track that you sat on, and you had the click all these levers to divert the track to where you wanted.
After that, you raced your friends through lanes to the spleef contest, which was the final test.
After that, you could either go home, or the winner could take a visit to Cat Village through its 'extremely very secret entrance'.

Another world was one where I built a nice, kinda elegant home out of wool.
When I had finished, my sister gave me a sad look and said, "Help me with my house!"
So I flew over the her 'house' where she had half finished this GIANT hall that stretched from one side of the world to the other.
And she had done about two high walls, and almost all of the floor.
So the next hour I spent like an hour building up her walls 'because a zombie could get in'.
And inconveniently, she had placed the door on the side that wasn't facing my house, and she wouldn't let me fly over, so I had to walk around the gigantic hallway (which took about ten minutes) to get in.

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