Christmas in Minecraft

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Pretty much every year, I celebrate Christmas in Minecraft (well, more like celebrating Christmas a few days before Christmas, as I like spending the day with my family.
I really like going in my best worlds and setting up a Christmas tree, or travelling to a snow biome for the festive season.
Here is what I did in each of my Christmases in the past years.

2018: Travelled to a tundra biome and constructed a Christmas Cabin to spend the month of December in. Brought my sister and my pets.
In another world, I decorated my living room and had all my pets there.

2017: Visited Winter Wonderland in the Park.
Made a ski slope out of ice, snow, boats and water.

2016: Went into my large mansion in the Park and set up a tree in the living room. Visited Winter Wonderland again, and constructed a pet area there.

2015: Built Winter Wonderland in the Park.

2014: Built a house in the snow. Accidentally melted all the snow there with my fire place (and burnt down my house!)

2013: Built a huge Christmas tree in my awesome flat world.

I didn't celebrate Minecraft Christmas in 2012, as I was a noob.

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