My wolves of today.

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Based off my dogworld (see previous part if you haven't already) I have 10 wolves that I now have in practically all of my worlds now.
Their names are Lola, Cory, Sailor, Snowy, Lucky, Louis, Luna, Melanie, Holly and Minty.
Minty, Lucky, Holly and Snowy were all named after pets in my dogworld.
Louis was named after my old dog I had when I was 5 (before the cats).
Melanie was the leader of a pack I had in this cool jungle world.
Luna was named after Princess Luna from My little pony, and stacyplay's Luna.
Lola and Sailor were named after Amy Lee33's dogs.
Cory was named after one of Stampy's dogs.
They're very faithful and loving, and also protect me from danger.

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