Modded Minecraft

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Recently, I got Minecraft java on my laptop, and now I can play with mods!
For like a year, I have really wanted the Copious dogs mod! And now, I have it!
(Along with about 7 other mods)
Anyways, I'm just gonna share all of the mods I have, and then share MY BEST WORLD EVER!!!

Copious Dogs
Doggy Talents
Extra Biomes XL
Mo' Creatures
The Morph Mod

Anyways, let me tell you readers about My Dogworld 2019.
I started off with a small mountain farm where I was breeding a fairy horse.
When I got a fairy horse, I started on my town.
At first, all I had was this unfinished building and a small stables.
But in less than a week, I had made a vet, a kitty cabin, a corn maze, a cemetery, a thing for other pets, such as snakes or foxes and a house.
I put my golden retriever dog, Holly, inside my home, as she is my dog IRL.
Anyways, one day, my fairy horse disappeared!
So i got a new bat horse called Pluto.
The sad thing is, that my world is all glitched, and all of my buildings have disappeared!
So I can't go in it until the glitch goes away. 😭
Anyways, soon I will put some random photos from my world in here!

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