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In late 2016, I had my cousin staying with us until he could get his own house.
Me and my sister also convinced him to  create a minecraft world with us!
So we did, and we each started off living in a small cave together.
Then, we did some exploring, mining and just general playing, and we started our houses.
My cousin lived in a three storey house on the mountain, my sister in a small underground house.
I first started out building my house on a really tall mountain, and claiming all the land on the mountain.
Then, I started hating my way up to it, because it was a ladder, and I SUCK at climbing ladders.
I died nearly every time I tried to get up there, so I abandoned it and began a new house.
Building a birch waterside restaurant (which Is what I based my restaurant in Survive! Off of) was what I did next.
Over the next few weeks, we did more exploring and just having fun.
We even got some diamonds.
I'm so sad that was on my old Xbox 360 so I can't go in it anymore :(

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