2019 Christmas

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This year we did not do too much in Minecraft.
What we did was go in our world Survive! (Which is a world we've had for a long while) and built a Christmas tree in the centre of town.
Well... we didn't really build it.
My sister sent me off on a thousand block adventure to find a Taiga biome and get spruce saplings, but whatever.
We couldn't really decorate it either, because we had limited supplies but it was okay.
The only presents we got were for eachother, and we will open them on my sisters birthday (Boxing day) probably.
After my sister kept complaining that I was hoarding all the diamonds, I decided to give her 3 out of my hidden stash.
I'm so generous :)
I think I also got her some emeralds and something else.
Anyways, Merry Christmas, y'all!
Don't forget to check out my Christmas book if u want to see what I am getting for Christmas.
But it's 4.AM where I live and I cannot get back to sleep at all so I'm just posting crap on here :)
So stay tuned in about 3 hours!
Have lovely a Christmas!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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