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"Lani all I'm saying is you should just sleep on it" Maneski said

"I sleep on it I'm automatically gonna say no, I need more than a day to think bout it." I said leaning on the wall

"You acting like I'm asking you to move to another country" He said mugging me

"I have a whole house who I'm supposed to give it to?" I questioned

"Come here, what's really your concern? I know you too well" He said pulling me on his lap

"Finding a job and everything above" I said sighing

"Ria and them can easily put you on to a job but my money is your money and I have a house so you straight Shawtz" He said

"You not letting up huh" I questioned and he shook his head no

"Only if I can redecorate yo house"

"Ku, that's our house now" He said

I chuckled. Now I gotta figure out who I'm giving my house too and how I'm getting all my clothes and shoes to Chicago. Maneski been feening for me to move out there with him since the beginning of our relationship. At first I was scared hell I still am but I'm honestly over the whole long distance bs.

"I already called yo cousin Tootie and she said she'll take it and she'll be here in a couple hours" He added

"I was gon call her anyway" I said. Tootie is two years younger than me but she's my favorite lil cousin.

"I'll be back in an hour you gon be packed by then? Cool" Maneski said before jogging out the house

I say on the couch sighing. I called Jae phone and she answered on the second ring

Jaee: Hey

Wassup wyd

Jaee: Nothing waiting for Herb to get back in. I heard you're coming out here for good

Maneski already telling my business

Jaee: Duh and we already have a job lined up for you

Job doing what

Jaee: Working in a DayCare since you like working with kids. Nolimit Daycare

Ghetto but they daddies got money so it'll be a breeze

Jaee: Girl lemme Call you back in 10 Kyro irritating ass arguing with my neighbors again

I hung my phone up putting it on the charger and went to take a shower.

Once I was finished with my shower I got dressed in a pair of shorts and a white beater. I laid down and FaceTimed my momma to tell her bout this lil move.

"Where yo ass going Ku?" G Money asked as I walked into the living room of my condo

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