||.𝔸𝕃𝕎𝔸𝕐𝕊 𝕊𝕨𝕖𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕟' ❤️

288 10 17


I woke up automatically freaking out because I didn't know where I was at.

Getting out of bed I slid my robe on walking out the door of the unfamiliar room.

I walked down the hall until I reached the kitchen seeing the same man from yesterday standing there eating some chips

I watched as he grabbed some more dropping some making me giggle

He looked down at the chips before looking up at me

"You Up" he smiled wiping his hands before grabbing the bag closing it

"Yeah I woke up a bit ago. Um where am I?" I asked hopping on the counter as I watched him clean up

"You're at my house here in Dubai. Remember we came here after everything?" He asked me as he came to stand in front of me

"Oh yeah. Everything seems like a dream. It's still crazy that something like that happened to me" I said as I looked at my feet moving

"Yeah it is crazy but shit our lives are anything but normal" He shrugged

"Our lives?"

"Yeah. We were best friends before all this went down. I mean we used to be some more but shit happened and you ended up in Durk's arms" He said as he tried to look away but from what I seen I saw pain in his eyes

"What exactly happened?"

"Listen I don't think I should be telling You all this at once" He tried to walk away but I grabbed his arm pulling him to me

"If you don't tell me everything then how am I suppose to ever get my memory back? From the looks of everything it seems like you're the only one who can help me" I told him as I looked into his eyes

Something about them drew me closer to him

"Come here" he grabbed my hand helping off the counter before leading me to what I assume was his room "take a seat on the bed while I grab my phone" he told me

I walked over to the bed getting comfortable as I watched him

He grabbed his phone off the dresser then walked over to the bed taking a seat next to me.

I watched as he scrolled through his phone before passing it to me

"Watch this" he said as the video played

"Brandon stop" I laughed covering my face

"Why you looked beautiful" He laughed trying to take my hand from my face

"I swear to god you must want me to stab yo ass again" I said getting serious mugging him

"Here you go trying to be violent and kill me" He laughed

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